【单选题】 无框玻璃门工程量按( ?)面积计算
①  洞口
②  框外围
③  扇外围
④  实际
【判断题】 铝合金门窗工程量按框外围面积计算,无框门按扇外围面积计算。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 装饰工程量清单中,门如何计算?【】
①  按樘数计算      
②  按门洞面积算   
③  按门扇面积计算    
④  按门扇加门套面积计算
【单选题】 普通门的工程量按()计算
①  洞口面积
②  门框面积
③  门扇面积
④  门洞高加600mm乘以门洞宽
【单选题】 建立账套时,设置的账套基本信息的内容不包括( )。
①  账套号
②  账套名称
③  账套路径
④  账套主管
【单选题】 石材门窗套的项目特征不包括。
①  窗代号及洞口尺寸
②  基层材料种类
③  线条品种、规格
④  门窗套展开
【单选题】 特种门的项目特征不包括()。
①  门框、扇材质
②  门代号及洞口尺寸
③  门框或扇外围尺
④  启动装置的品种
【单选题】 防盗门的项目特征不包括()。
①  门代号及洞口尺寸
②  门框或扇外围尺寸
③  门框厚度
④  门框、扇材质
【单选题】 外墙抹灰面积,按设计外墙抹灰的()以()计算
①  垂直投影面积米
②  垂直投影面积平方米
③  水平投影面积米
④  水平投影面积平方米
【单选题】 金属卷帘门的清单工程量计算规则是按设计图示数量计算,以()计算
【单选题】 My uncle, Sam, ____ a manager of the firm. ?
①  has just been made ?
②  has just made ?
③  is just made ?
④  is just being made?
【单选题】 ____, he is not capable of teaching.
①  A teacher as he is
②  Teacher as he is
③  As a teacher
④  As a teacher he is
【单选题】 It happened to be very cold____ the morning of our sports meet. ?
①  at ?
②  of ?
③  on ?
④  with?
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【单选题】 Raw material is ____ we are badly in need of.
①  what
②  whether
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 If you don’t go, ____ I.
①  nor shall
②  so don’t
③  neither do
④  so do
【单选题】 4. This kind of plant ____ a lot of water at all times.
①  assumes
②  limits
③  produces
④  requires
【单选题】 14. It is ____ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
①  such a
②  so
③  such as
④  many a
【单选题】 The man was informed ____ the arrival of the new products. ?
①  to ?
②  on ?
③  of ?
④  with?
【单选题】 4. David watched her car until it ____ from view.
①  remained
②  delayed
③  grew
④  disappeared