【单选题】 Nancy ( ) the egg over in the pan
①  flipping
②  flippere
③  flipped
④  flippant
【单选题】 In winter, men and women wear an overcoat ( ) their suit.
①  over
②  under
③  in
④  to
【简答题】 My mom is going __________[填空1]have a picnic tomorrow.
【单选题】 Nancy was surprised that they have ____. They seemed to be a happy couple.
①  split up
②  broken down
③  fallen through
④  knocked out
【单选题】 Nancy is considered to be ________ the other students in her class.
①  less intelligent
②  the most intelligent
③  the most intelligent
④  as intelligent as
【单选题】 This dress looks [填空] and sells [填空].
①  well,well
②  good,nice
③  nice,good
④  nice,well
【单选题】 The actress wanted a hat to ____ her dress.
①  go by
②  go through
③  go out
④  go with
【单选题】 Suits are usually made ( ) woolen cloth. People can wear a suit most of the year.
①  from
②  of
③  in
④  at
【单选题】 Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________
①  No, its not. Yours looks better.
②  No, I dont like it very much.
③  I quite agree with you.
④  Thank you. Its my favorite.
【单选题】 Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________
①  A. No, it’s not. Yours looks better.
②  B. No, I don’t like it very much.
③  C. I quite agree with you.
④  D. Thank you. It’s my favorite.
【单选题】 Pentium 4 EE CPU系列集成的二级缓存为( ) 。
①  256KB
②  512KB
③  1MB
④  2MB
【单选题】 在BIOS主设置界面中,如需设置系统时间,需要选择( )选项。
①  Standard CMOS Features
②  Advanced BIOS Features
③  Integrated Peripherals
④  PC Health Status
【单选题】 大多数台式机要想使用BIOS对CMOS参数进行设置,开机后,应按下的键是( )。
③  DEL
④  空格
【单选题】 一般微机系统中必不可少的输出设备是( )。
①  软盘驱动器
②  音箱
③  打印机
④  显示器
【单选题】 声卡在录音时还可以进行播放声音的工作,表示声卡属于( ) 。
①  半双工
②  全双工
③  多功能
④  单功能
【单选题】 硬盘的跳线主要用于控制硬盘的主、从盘状态,下面表示设置驱动器为从盘的选项为( )。
①  Master or single drive
②  Drive is slave
③  Master with a non-ATA compatible slave
④  Cable select
【判断题】 显示器屏幕刷新速度越快,需要的显示内存越大。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 按鼠标的构造划分,可将鼠标分为机械式鼠标、[填空]、轨迹球鼠标。
【简答题】 主板芯片组中[填空]芯片主要负责控制设备的中断、各种总线和系统的传输性能等。
【简答题】 内存条金手指氧化,可以通过使用[填空]反复擦拭解决.