【判断题】 调度r1(A); r2(A); r3(B); w1(A); r2(C); r2(B); w2(B); w1(C);是冲突可串行化的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 若w=1,x=2,y=3,z=4,则表达式w<x?w:y<z?y:z的值是()
①  4
②  3
③  2
④  1
【单选题】 如有以下定义和语句,则对w数组元素的非法引用是? int w[2][3],(*pw)[3];pw=w;
①  *(w[0]+2)
②  *pw[2]
③  pw[0][0]
④  *(pw[1]+2)
【单选题】 一个“220V,60W”灯泡L1和一个“110V,20W”灯泡L2连接在电路中,下列说法中正确的有。
①  它们串联在220V电压下时,两者都能正常工作。
②  它们串联在220V电压下时,L1能正常工作,L2不能正常工作。
③  它们串联在220V电压下时,L1不能正常工作,L2能正常工作。
④  它们串联在220V电压下时,两者都不能正常工作。
【单选题】 滤波器的截止频率定义为频率下降( )那一点所对应的频率。
①  2Db
②  3Db
③  4Db
④  5Db
【单选题】 滤波器的截止频率定义为频率下降( )那一点所对应的频率。
①  2Db
②  3Db
③  4Db
④  5Db
【单选题】 若w,x,y,z,m均为int型变量,则执行下面语句后的m值是:w=1;x=2;y=3;z=4;m=w<y)?w:x;m=m<y)?m:y;m=m<z)?m:Z;
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【多选题】 消费者的5W+1H的说法正确的是( )
①  who(谁)
②  what(什么)
③  where(哪里)
④  which(哪个)
【单选题】 5W法的5个W不包括下列选项中的( )。
①  Who are you
②  What do you want
③  What can you do
④  What are you doing
【单选题】 LCD1602模块的RS=1,R/W=1,表示()。
①  指令寄存器读出
②  数据寄存器读出
③  数据寄存器写入
④  忙信号读出
【单选题】 Abraham Lincoln was raised to farm work, ____ he continued until he was twenty-two.
①  since
②  as
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 7. At night, the beach is bathed ____ soft moonlight.
①  in
②  for
③  out
④  on
【单选题】 Woman: Jack, good job! Jack: ____.
①  Oh, that’s all right.
②  Do you think so?
③  Not good enough, I’m afraid.
④  Thank you. I tried.
【单选题】 25. In some parks visitors are requested to keep ____ the grass.
①  away
②  off
③  aside
④  out
【单选题】 We tried to ____ what he meant.
①  make for
②  make out
③  make of
④  make from
【单选题】 ____ of them knew about the plan because it was a secret.
①  Some
②  Any
③  No one
④  None
【单选题】 At this stage we cannot tell you____ you have been selected for the job or not.
①  unless
②  although
③  whenever
④  whether
【单选题】 Our factory has ____ for years.
①  many fire equipments
②  much equipment of fire
③  many equipments of fire
④  much fire equipment
【单选题】 16. I took the medicine, but it didnt ____.
①  work
②  help
③  make
④  affect
【单选题】 The city ____ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut