【多选题】 对于饱和软粘土适用的处理方法有:()。
①  表层压实法;
②  强夯;
③  降水预压;
④  堆载预压;
【判断题】 真空预压法在竖向排水体与堆载预压法相同,而砂垫层设置上与堆载预压法不相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 真空预压法处理软弱土地基和堆载预压法一样,排水固结需要的时间很长,同时需要大量的堆载材料。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 采用堆载预压法处理软弱土地基和真空预压法一样,可一次连续加至最大压力。()
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 预应力管桩品种规格按管桩的抗弯性能或混凝土有效预压应力值分为()。
①  AB型
②  B型
③  A型
④  C型
【多选题】 对于液化地基适用的处理方法有:()。
①  强夯;
②  预压;
③  挤密碎石桩;
④  表层压实法;
【判断题】 水泥土搅拌法加固软弱地基与砂井堆载预压法一样,需经过较长时间才可获得较高的地基承载力。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 灌注桩后注浆注浆顺序:非饱和土,先桩侧后桩端;饱和土,先桩端后桩侧。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 强夯法适用的土类较多,但对()土类处理效果比较差?
①  饱和软粘性土;
②  湿陷性黄土;
③  砂土;
④  碎石土
【单选题】 对饱和土强夯时,夯坑形成的主要原因为()
①  土的触变性;
②  土中含有少量气泡的水;
③  土中产生裂缝;
④  局部液化;
【单选题】 Half of the money____ your brother. ?
①  belong to ?
②  belong ?
③  belongs to ?
④  belongs?
【单选题】 25. A pilot should be responsible ____ the safety of all the passengers on board.
①  against
②  for
③  at
④  with
【单选题】 After ten years, all these youngsters became____.
①  grown-up
②  grown-ups
③  growns-ups
④  growns-up
【单选题】 We’ll go out as soon as I’ve ____ the kitchen.
①  sent for
②  cleaned up
③  done with
④  worked out
【单选题】 “I haven’t read ____ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.”
①  something
②  some
③  any
④  anything
【单选题】 By the end of next month he ____ everything in school.
①  will finish
②  will have finished
③  finishes
④  would finished
【单选题】 Even great musicians require ____ practice.
①  convenient
②  continual
③  continuous
④  contrary
【单选题】 Wealthy ____ he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things.
①  as
②  if
③  though
④  however
【单选题】 —Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.—Host: ____.
①  OK. Please walk slowly and take care.
②  Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay?
③  Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately?
④  Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee?
【单选题】 Youhavetopaytohavethebooksprinted, ____ canbequiteexpensive.
①  which
②  it C. that D. this
③  that
④  this