【单选题】 根据个人所得税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于工资、薪金性质的补贴、津贴是(? ?)。
①  岗位津贴
②  加班补贴
③  差旅费津贴
④  工龄补贴
【单选题】 根据个人所得税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于工资、薪金性质的补贴、津贴是(? ?)。
①  岗位津贴
②  加班补贴
③  差旅费津贴
④  工龄补贴
【单选题】 根据个人所得税法律制度下列应按“工资、薪金所得”税目征收个人所得税的是
①  单位全勤奖
②  参加商场活动中奖
③  出租闲置房屋取得的所得
④  国债利息所得
【多选题】 下列属于应计个人所得税的工资、薪金所得包括( )。
①  劳动分红
②  季度奖金
③  职务工资
④  误餐补贴
【多选题】 纳税人取得的以下所得按照“工资、薪金所得”缴纳个人所得税的有()。
①  单位为职工个人购买商业性补充养老保险
②  个人为他人提供担保获得的报酬
③  个人退休后再任职取得的收入
④  企业为股东购买车辆并将车辆所有权办到股东个人名下
【单选题】 根据个人所得税法律制度的规定,下列所得中,应缴纳个人所得税的是( ???)。
①  加班工资?
②  独生子女补贴??
③  差旅费津贴
④  国债利息收入
【判断题】 企业是员工工资薪金所得个人所得税的扣缴义务人。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列个人所得中缴纳个人所得税的有()。
①  工资薪金
②  实物
③  有价证券
④  保险赔偿金
【判断题】 技能工资制度是以人为基础的工资制度。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 根据个人所得税法律制度的规定,下列所得中,免予缴纳个人所得税的有()。
①  保险赔款
②  劳动分红
③  退休工资
④  军人转业费
【单选题】 A: Where there is a will, there is a way. B: [填空].
①  Thats right
②  Thats all right
③  All right
④  Not at all
【单选题】 A: Your newly bought bike is very fashionable. B: [填空].
①  Its very kind of you to say so
②  Yes, very good
③  No, not good
④  Really
【单选题】 A: Will you please give the note to him? B: [填空].
①  No,please not
②  Sorry,I dont
③  Certainly,Ill give it to him
④  Yes,please do
【单选题】 A: Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? B: [填空].
①  Sorry, he is busy at the moment
②  No, you cant
③  Sorry, you cant
④  I dont know
【单选题】 A: [填空], but is this the way to the library? B: Yes, it is.
①  Im sorry
②  Pardon
③  Excuse me
④  Hello
【单选题】 A: What about going for a walk? B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Walking is good to you
③  Why not? A good idea
④  Its up to you
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mark, Im glad you could come. B: [填空] A: No, you are right on time.
①  Its my great honor, thanks.
②  You are welcome. Am I the first?
③  Thanks. Do you have the time?
④  I hope Im not too late.
【单选题】 A: I was born in Hefei,but I studied in Beijing. [填空]? B: I was born in Beijing,but studied in Hefei.
①  What do you do
②  And you
③  Where were you
④  Do you
【单选题】 A: Id rather have some tea, if you dont mind. B: [填空].
①  Thank you very much
②  Yes, I like so
③  Of course not, anything you want
④  No, its nothing
【单选题】 A: Sorry, I couldnt come to the party? I was sick that day. B: [填空].
①  I dont know that
②  Yes, well have another party
③  Thats all right
④  No, the party wasnt held