【判断题】 onChange—当单击按钮、单选框或复选框时触发。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 复选框或单选按钮的当前状态通过( )属性来设置或访问。
①  Value
②  Checked
③  Selected
④  Caption
【单选题】 复选框的()属性用于决定该复选框是否被选中。
①  Enabled
②  Value
③  Checked
④  Visible
【单选题】 复选框或单选按钮的当前状态通过哪一项属性来设置或访问
①  Value
②  Checked
③  Selected
④  Caption
【单选题】 将光标定位到要插入文本框的位置,选择“插入”选项卡,单击“文本”组中的“文本框”下拉按钮,在弹出的下拉面板中选择要插入的文本框样式,就可以插入一个文本框。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 复选框的作用是()。
①  提供可选的内容
②  提供必选的内容
③  提供不能选的内容
④  显示提示文字
【单选题】 在Access中,命令按钮控件主要使用在( )对象中。
①  查询
②  报表
④  窗体
【单选题】 如果文本框的 InputMask 属性值就是 #99999, 允许在文本框中输入的就是
①  +12345
②  abc123
③  $12345
④  abcdef
【单选题】 在Access中,命令按钮控件主要被应用于的对象是()。
①  查询
②  报表
④  窗体
【单选题】 PowerPoint中,用“文本框”工具在幻灯片中添中文本时,如果想要是插入的文本框竖排,应该怎样( )
①  默认的格式就是竖排
②  不可能竖排
③  选择文本框下拉菜单中的水平项
④  选择文本框下拉菜单中的垂直项
【单选题】 “She is from Shanghai, ____ population is larger than that of any other city inChina.”
①  its
②  which
③  whose
④  that
【单选题】 Mary: How do you like Professor White’s lecture? John: ____
①  He talked about economy.
②  He teaches Class 2 students.
③  Very much.
④  He is a middle-aged professor.
【单选题】 I will give this dictionary to ____ wants to have it.
①  whomever
②  someone
③  whoever
④  anyone
【单选题】 The mountain is ____ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.
①  nearly
②  near
③  neat
④  neatly
【单选题】 A new teacher was sent to the village in place of ____ one who had retired.
①  a
②  the
③  an
④  Its
【单选题】 ____ was evident that Mr. Wang had come back to Shanghai.
①  This
②  He
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 Jack, the boss, asked Steven to leave — ____, she was filed.?
①  whats more ?
②  in addition?
③  on the contrary ?
④  D. in other words ?
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 “Where do you suggest going?” “We promised ____ the children to the West Lake.”
①  taking
②  to take
③  taken
④  took
【单选题】 Don’t be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. ?
①  strange ?
②  amusing ?
③  curious ?
④  conscious?