We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________ cost.
【单选题】 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________cost.
①  low
②  lowest
③  lower
④  lowing
【单选题】 One big of formal education is the high cost.
①  advantage
②  disadvantage
③  problem
④  condition
【单选题】 Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the ____ of the quality of their products.
①  expense
②  exposure
③  expansion
④  expectation
【多选题】 _____________ , computers can do many of the things we do, but faster and better.
①  In time
②  In fact
③  Actually
④  As a matter of fact
【单选题】 For programs with_________ audiences, the cost of commercials is high.
①  few
②  more
③  small
④  large
【单选题】 There is steady demand in Europe for Leather gloves ____ high quality.
①  at
②  to
③  of
④  for
【单选题】 We will comprehensively promote () education.
①  high
②  enormous
③  religious
④  well-rounded
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too
【单选题】 Prices of goods ( ) online can be lower than those in off-line stores.
①  buying
②  buy
③  bought
④  that buys
【单选题】 Many a customer____ about the poor quality of the washing machine.
①  complains
②  complain
③  are complaining
④  have complained
【单选题】 Johnnason: __________Cathy: Yes, our family moved in here only a few days ago. Johnnason: Welcome to the neighborhood.
①  Do you need any help?
②  Are you here for holidays?
③  Are you new here?
④  What are you doing here?
【单选题】 Clara: Do you mind waiting outside for a moment?Steve: __________
①  Yes, please.
②  I sure do.
③  I guess so.
④  Not at all.
【单选题】 Client: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Turner? Secretary: ___________
①  I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting now..
②  I am. Speak, please.
③  Hello! Who’re you, please?
④  Hello! Thank you for calling.
【单选题】 Waiter: __________Customer: Yes.I’llhavesomesalad,roastbeef,andmashedpotatoes.
①  Areyoureadytoordernow?
②  Doyouwantthemenu?
③  Doyoulikethesefood?
④  Whatdoyouwanttoeat?
【单选题】 Sally: You look great in this red dress! Jennifer: __________
①  A. No, it’s not. Yours looks better.
②  B. No, I don’t like it very much.
③  C. I quite agree with you.
④  D. Thank you. It’s my favorite.
【多选题】 3.共产主义是能够实现的社会理想,其理论根据是()
①  以资本主义社会基本矛盾的发展为依据的
②  要靠社会主义的不断完善和发展来实现的
③  以人类社会发展规律为依据的
④  可以用社会主义运动的实践来证明的
【单选题】 3.“代替那存在着阶级和阶级对立的资产阶级旧社会的,将是这样一个联合体,在那里,每个人的自由发展是一切人的自由发展的条件”。这一段话出现在()
①  《资本论》中
②  《共产主义原理》中
③  《哥达纲领批判》中
④  《共产党宣言》中
【单选题】 17.属于自由王国社会状态的是()
①  资本主义社会
②  封建社会
③  原始社会
④  共产主义社会
【单选题】 10.实行“各尽所能,按需分配”分配方式是()
①  原始社会
②  阶级社会
③  社会主义社会
④  共产主义社会
【单选题】 7,“两个必然”和“两个决不会”是()
①  相互矛盾的
②  完全不同的两回事
③  有着内在联系的
④  内容和形式的关系