________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.
【单选题】 _________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.
①  Undoubtedly
②  Doubtedly
③  Undoubted
④  doubt
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 Our factory has ____ for years.
①  many fire equipments
②  much equipment of fire
③  many equipments of fire
④  much fire equipment
【单选题】 He ________ Alice for ten years.
①  married to
②  has married to
③  has married
④  has been married to
【单选题】 Employment _______ in the past two years.
①  has gone up rapidly
②  went up rapidly
③  has risen steady
【单选题】 The Chinese ( ) paper for two thousand years.
①  have made
②  have been making
③  had made
④  are being made
【单选题】 The birth rate of the country decreases ______ with years.
①  extremely
②  approximately
③  progressively
【单选题】 Tom has been a vegetarian ____ principle for years.
①  in
②  on
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 Hes worked here___three years.
①  since
②  in
③  for
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 分辨对错的行为最好要幼儿通过( )来学习。
①  感知体验
②  讨论评议
③  情境表演
④  讲解演示
【单选题】 儿童的身体发育很多是在( )中完成的。
①  运动
②  睡眠
③  学习
④  进餐
【单选题】 儿童日常生活行为教育当中包括( )。
①  情绪情感的教育和儿童安全行为的教育
②  生活常规的教育和儿童行为规范的教育
③  生活常规的教育和儿童安全行为的教育
④  生活常规的教育和儿童控制行为的教育
【单选题】 人体细胞的不断更新、旧组织的修补,都需要( )。
①  营养素
②  膳食纤维
③  碳水化合物
④  蛋白质
【单选题】 ( )缺乏容易造成儿童生长迟缓,活动减少,注意力下降。
①  维生素
【单选题】 猩红热、破伤风的病原体是( )。
①  滤过性病毒
②  动物性寄生物
③  家禽家畜
④  细菌
【单选题】 狂犬病、麻疹的病原体是( )。
①  家禽家畜
②  动物性寄生物
③  细菌
④  滤过性病毒
【单选题】 下面哪个目标是学前儿童体育的基本目标( )。
①  促进幼儿身心正常、协调的发展,增强学前儿童体质
②  培养幼儿参加体育活动的兴趣和习惯
③  初步掌握各类体育活动的基本方法、规则和要领
④  认识自己身体结构的功能,掌握初步的自我保护技能和安全技能
【单选题】 能闭目自转至少5圈不跌倒是( )班儿童体育的目标和内容。
①  中班
②  小班
③  大班
④  托班
【单选题】 绿化越好的幼儿园环境相对来讲( )要更好一些。
①  美观上
②  对儿童
③  人文环境
④  空气质量