—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
Yes, they have some bad habits.
Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 ---I hear Faulen has taken up his business in London. ---Really? He has no business _________ and I’m sure he’ll fail.
①  feeling
②  idea
③  sense
④  opinion
【单选题】 The manager______ at 8:30 AM for the meeting, but he didnt show up.
①  ought to arrive
②  should have arrived
③  should arrive
④  was supposed to arrived
【单选题】 The manager______ at 8:30 am for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.
①  ought to arrive
②  should have arrived
③  should arrive
④  was supposed to arrived
【判断题】 I hope the key I lost will turn up.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Im afraid I am not qualified for the assigned work. B: Cheer up! Im sure youre the best.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I really dont like the way[填空]he talks.
①  What
②  how
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 —It’s raining so heavily outside. I’m terribly anxious about my son’s safety. — .A. Well. He is a good boy.B. Yes, it is. It will rain tomorrow.C. Don’t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.2. —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?
①  Well. He is a good boy.
②  Yes, it is. It will rain tomorrow.
③  Don’t worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.
【单选题】 Neither he nor I am a musician, _____?
①  am I
②  is he
③  are we
④  do we
【单选题】 I thought you________like something to read,so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 特别严重便秘可采用灌肠的方法来缓解便秘。
【单选题】 协助老人如厕时,应一手扶住老人(),另一手协助李奶奶脱下裤子在。
①  以上都是
②  肩部
③  腰部
④  腋下
【单选题】 关于拐杖的使用前的准备工作描述正确的是()。
①  拐杖上端接触腋窝处要有软垫,下端要有防滑橡胶帽。
②  为安全起见,选择给老人使用双侧拐杖。
③  以上都不是
④  调节拐杖高度,以老人身高的70%为宜
【单选题】 2点步行法为一侧拐杖和对侧脚作为第一着地点同时移向前方,另一侧拐杖和另一侧脚再向前伸出作为第二和第三着地点。
【单选题】 腹部检查(使腹部肌肉放松,便于检查)、接受导尿、会阴冲洗等应采用()卧位。
①  去枕仰卧位
②  中凹卧位
③  屈膝仰卧位
④  以上都是
【单选题】 拴绳子于床的适当位置,为了老人双腿能用上力,脚底垫上木板或其他硬物,用力拉绳坐起,这属于借助绳子坐起。
【单选题】 膝部约束带用宽布制成,宽() cm,长250 cm,宽带中间相距15 cm,分别钉两条双头带。
①  9
②  7
③  8
④  10
【单选题】 生理盐水。()生理盐水是一种最常用的药物,无刺激性,用于清洗伤口、一般换药、敷盖新鲜的肉芽创面等。
①  0.70%
②  0.01%
③  0.90%
④  0.80%
【单选题】 ()是指用物理和化学方法杀灭或清除传播媒介上的全部微生物,使其达到无菌程度的过程。
①  以上都不是
②  漂洗
③  消毒
④  灭菌
【单选题】 避污纸不是清洁纸片,而是用于暂时接触污染物品或做简单隔离操作时。