—Is your grandmother getting well now?— .
Yes, she is much better now.
She gets up early.
She feels comfortable.
She is a lady.
【单选题】 —Is your grandmother getting well now?— .
①  Yes, she is much better now.
②  She gets up early.
③  She feels comfortable.
④  She feels sick.
【单选题】 She is studying medical science now, but she ____ a lawyer.
①  would be
②  used to be
③  formerly were
④  had been
【判断题】 She is swimmig in the pool now.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She insists that he ______ his now.
①  should
②  took
③  takes
④  take
【单选题】 A: She is running a fever, but now it is under control. B: [填空].
①  She is running fast
②  Her mother does not run
③  She is running away from home
④  I will go and see her after work
【判断题】 Has she been listening? Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Her mother isnt a nurse, is she? B: Yes, she isnt.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 She told me she [填空] slept well before the flight.
①  is not
②  hasnt
③  hadn’t
④  wont
【单选题】 The hospital bed is no longer ______ by his wife because she is fine now.
①  overlooked
②  occupied
③  opened
④  Operated
【判断题】 She often looks after her grandmother.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 脱卸防护服的过程中,为了减少污染面对人身和环境的污染,需要遵守的原则:
①  内裹外
②  折叠
③  清洁
④  快速脱卸
【单选题】 在脱卸个人防护装备的过程中,每一步完成后均必须进行的操作是:
①  手卫生
②  更换手套
③  更换口罩
④  没有必须执行的操作
【单选题】 判定新冠肺炎确诊病例密切接触者时,活动及接触调查应开始的时间:
①  出现症状前2天
②  出现症状当天
③  就诊当天
④  确诊当天
【单选题】 县(区)级疾控机构接到传染病信息网络报告新冠肺炎病例后,应完成初次流行病学调查的时限是:
①  48小时
②  24小时
③  12小时
④  6小时
【单选题】 新冠肺炎出院患者,应于出院后多长时间接受随访复诊?
①  第3、7天
②  第5、10天
③  第2、4周
④  第3、6周
【单选题】 目前我国大多数新冠肺炎病例的转归是怎样的?
①  均为轻症,完全治愈
②  均为重症,预后不好
③  多数患者预后良好,少数患者病情危重
④  轻症和重症各占比50%
【单选题】 新冠肺炎病例的潜伏期是:
①  2-4天,多为3天
②  1-14天,多为3-7天
③  5-25天,多为10-15天
④  15-30天,多为18-21天
【单选题】 分析传染病网络直报系统信息,以下哪个变量最可能发现新冠肺炎聚集性疫情?
①  报告医院
②  年龄
③  性别
④  现住址
【单选题】 新冠肺炎确诊病例发病前多少天有境外旅居史,可认为存在境外输入病例的可能?
①  发病前2天至隔离前
②  发病前14天
③  发病前1-14天
④  发病前3-4天
【单选题】 聚集性疫情主要通过哪种方法开展病例搜索?
①  病毒全基因测序
②  排查密切接触者
③  统计模型估算
④  分析性流行病学