纳税义务人应向( )的税务机关申报缴纳房产税。
【多选题】 房屋产权所有人死亡,依法取得房屋产权的(  ),免征个人所得税。
①  受遗赠人
②  法定继承人
③  遗嘱继承人
④  任何人
【判断题】 房产税以在征税范围内的房屋产权所有人为纳税人,产权未确定的暂不缴纳。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 房屋产权所有人将房屋产权无偿赠与(  ),免征个人所得税。
①  父母
②  子女
③  朋友
④  兄弟姐妹
【单选题】 房屋产权所有人将房屋产权无偿赠与他人的,受赠人因无偿受赠房屋取得的受赠收入,按照(  )项目计算缴纳个人所得税。
①  稿酬所得
②  特许权使用费所得
③  偶然所得
④  其他所得
【判断题】 采用从租计征的租金收入,也就是房屋产权所有人出租房屋产权使用权所得到的报酬,包括货币收入和实物等各类收入。(?? )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 采用从租计征的租金收入,也就是房屋产权所有人出租房屋产权使用权所得到的报酬,包括货币收入和实物等各类收入。(?? )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 契税的纳税人发生纳税义务时,应向土地、房屋所在地的税收征收机关办理纳税申报。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 契税的纳税人发生纳税义务时,应向土地、房屋所在地的税收征收机关办理纳税申报。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 房产税的纳税地点为房产所在地。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 房产税由房产所在地的哪个机构征收?()
①  国家税务局
②  地方税务局
③  财政机关
④  公安机关
【单选题】 Evidence came up ____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【单选题】 There will be a new building here next year, _____ ?
①  will it
②  will there
③  be there
④  won’ t there
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the ____ next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 I’m sure your suggestion will ____ the problem.
①  contribute to solving
②  be contributed to solve
③  contribute to solve
④  be contributed to solving
【单选题】 ____ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
①  Though having never acted
②  As he had never acted
③  Despite he had never acted
④  In spite of his never having acted
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now,” said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____ in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 The statement had to be delivered to someone who could ____ it to the press.
①  relieve
②  release
③  emit
④  discharge
【单选题】 When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, ____ competition can turn into disorder and violence.
①  honestly
②  honest
③  honorable
④  honorary
【单选题】 He had acquired a(n)____ command of the English language.
①  ordinary
②  immense
③  extraordinary
④  temporary
【单选题】 Danny left this ____ message on my answering machine: “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o’clock.” Did he mean noon or midnight?
①  ambiguous
②  responsible
③  implicit
④  thoughtful