【判断题】 投形盒、拼图、嵌板等属于音乐游戏的玩具
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 服装属于智力游戏玩具。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 科学玩具与游戏的运用应注意哪些( )。
①  在选择游戏时,应注意游戏的安全性
②  游戏要在户外进行
③  在选择游戏时,应注意游戏的科学性、趣味性、活动性、规则性
④  师生共同游戏
【判断题】 玩具的种类不影响幼儿的游戏
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 关于玩具的说法,错误的是( )。
①  玩具造型越逼真对儿童的教育作用越大
②  玩具越多越有利于儿童游戏的开展
③  不同种类和数量的玩具相互搭配放在一起,构成一定的知觉场,这种知觉场影响着儿童游戏的性质和主题
④  提供给儿童游戏的玩具应该主要是商店里出售的精美玩具,如洋娃娃玩具、汽车玩具等
【单选题】 电脑属于( )玩具
①  电子玩具
②  机动玩具
③  静态玩具
④  非金属类玩具
【判断题】 错误推测是白盒测试方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在游戏当中,幼儿因争抢玩具而发生打骂,或者玩一些“死”、“上吊”、“暴力”等内容的游戏时,教师可以使用(?? )。
①  平行式介入法
②  交叉式介入法
③  垂直介入法
④  情感性鼓励
【单选题】 在游戏当中,幼儿因争抢玩具而发生打骂,或者玩一些“死”、“上吊”、“暴力”等内容的游戏时,教师可以使用( )。
①  平行式介入法
②  交叉式介入法
③  垂直介入法
④  情感性鼓励
【单选题】 筏板基础和箱形基础等,以下说法中错误的是()
①  预制钢筋混凝土柱下常采用杯形基础
②  墙下条形基础的计算属于平面应变问题,只考虑在基础横向受力破坏。
③  柱距较小而地基承载力较低时,适于采用柱下条形基础。
④  整体刚度最大的是筏板基础
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【单选题】 I found the book you recommended in the library, ______ is missing.
①  the front cover of which
②  the front cover of that
③  that front cover
④  of what front cover
【单选题】 Malaysian Airlines lost an airplane on March 8 last year, _____ whereabouts still remains a mystery.
①  its
②  whose
③  their
④  the
【单选题】 Neither John nor his roommates _____ in the dormitory yesterday evening.
①  was
②  were
③  has been
④  had been
【单选题】 _____ you work hard enough _____ you be able to get a PhD degree in three years.
①  Only if, will
②  If only, would
③  Should, will
④  Unless, would
【单选题】 China hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, thus _____ her dream to be recognized as one of the greatest nations in the world.
①  having realized
②  realizing
③  realized
④  to realize
【单选题】 Man is superior to animals ______ he uses language to convey his thoughts.
①  that
②  in that
③  when
④  in which
【单选题】 If it _____ for his help, I wouldn’t be a university student now.
①  hasn’t been
②  hadn’t been
③  wasn’t
④  weren’t
【单选题】 The conference _____ next year will be an important event in the history of the country.
①  having been held
②  being held
③  to be held
④  held
【单选题】 Have a word with the manager ______ if he’s willing to reduce the price.
①  and to see
②  and see
③  and seeing
④  so to see