【单选题】 食物的特殊动力作用是指因摄入食物引起能量消耗增加的现象,能量消耗增加的多少随食物而异,下列哪类食物增加的能量最多
①  碳水化合物
②  脂肪
③  蛋白质
④  前三者的混合膳食
【判断题】 蔬菜的食物特殊动力效应最大。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 特殊动力效应最高的食物是蛋白质。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 脂肪在改善食物的感官性状上的作用,不包括()
①  膳食脂肪增加食物的美味
②  引起食欲
③  增强饱腹感
④  延缓胃的排空
⑤  促进水溶性维生素的吸收
【单选题】 食物脂肪变为脂肪微粒的过程需要
①  脂肪酶
②  胆汁
③  胰液
④  淀粉酶
⑤  小肠液
【判断题】 驱动力与其力作用点的速度方向成钝角。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 脂肪的食物来源是
①  各种植物油脂和动物性脂肪
②  蛋黄
③  新鲜蔬菜
④  水果
【判断题】 机械是在驱动力作用下克服阻力而运转的,该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 含脂肪最多的血浆脂蛋白是
①  CM
③  LDL
④  HDL
【单选题】 含膳食纤维最多的食物是()
①  山楂糕
②  牛肉
③  肉皮冻
④  蹄筋
【单选题】 Mr. Johnson preferred_______ heavier work to do.
①  to be given
②  to be giving
③  to have given
④  having given
【单选题】 The speaker, _______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
①  having known
②  being known
③  knowing
④  known
【单选题】 I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.
①  once offering
②  him once offering
③  him to offer
④  to offer him
【单选题】 WellvisitEuropenextyear______wehaveenoughmoney.
①  lest
②  until
③  unless
④  provided
【单选题】 The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_______up to half will be from Orient.
①  in which
②  for whom
③  with which
④  of whom
【单选题】 Finding a good job and ______ were Larrys main goals.
①  to keep it
②  to keep the job
③  to be keeping it
④  keeping it
【单选题】 The stockholders except the chairman of the board whom they elected to organize, direct,________, and supervise the operation of the company.
①  controlling
②  with control
③  under control
④  control
【单选题】 Electric eels use charges to detect prey and also______them before they eat them.
①  stunned
②  to stun
③  stunning
④  to be stunned
【单选题】 She is sympathetic by nature and _______ is always ready to help others.
①  who
②  whom
③  that
④  \
【单选题】 DuringheryearsintheWhiteHouse,JacquelineKennedyOnassishadmanyadmirerswhothoughtshewastasteful,______andwell-educated.
①  elegance
②  elegant
③  elegancy
④  elegantly