【单选题】 盲人犯罪后可以( )。 A.不负刑事责任 B. 从轻、减轻或者免除处罚 C.从轻或者减轻处罚 D. 减轻处罚
①  A.不负刑事责任
②  B. 从轻、减轻或者免除处罚
③  C.从轻或者减轻处罚
④  D. 减轻处罚
【判断题】 对于自首的犯罪分子,应当或者减轻处罚。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 盲人犯罪,必须从轻、减轻或者免除处罚。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对于防卫过当可以减轻或者免除处罚。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 避险过当的,应当减轻或者免除处罚。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 我国刑法规定,应当减轻或者免除处罚的情节有?
①  防卫过当
②  避险过当
③  中止犯
④  胁从犯
【判断题】 对于预备犯,应当比照既遂犯从轻、减轻或者免除处罚。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 我国《刑法》第28条规定:“对于被胁迫参加犯罪的,应当按照他的犯罪情节减轻处罚或者免除处罚。”这一规定体现了刑法哪一项基本原则?( )
①  罪刑法定原则
②  刑法适用人人平等原则
③  罪责自负,反对株连原则
④  罪责刑相适应原则
【单选题】 我国《刑法》第28条规定:“对于被胁迫 参加犯罪的,应当按照他的犯罪情节减轻处罚或者免除处罚。”这一规定体现了刑法哪一项基本原则?
①  罪刑法定原则
②  刑法适用人人平等原则
③  罪责自负,反对株连原则
④  罪责刑相适应原则
【多选题】 下列情形属于重大立功表现的是?
①  检举、揭发甲杀人的犯罪事实,经查证属实的
②  甲与乙入户抢劫后,甲自动投案,并协助公安机关抓获乙,经查乙是该案主犯
③  甲在同室关押的罪犯逃跑时,及时向看守所告发,制止其脱逃
④  甲检举乙贪污单位100万事实,经查证属实
【单选题】 Police are __________ the disappearance of two children.
①  looking out
②  looking after
③  looking into
④  looking on
【单选题】 He his success to good luck.
①  adds
②  owes
③  apologizes
④  limits
【单选题】 This article deals with the natural phenomenon which __________ most interesting to everyone.
①  are
②  is
③  they are
④  it is
【单选题】 This is a very difficult operation. It is essential that you __________ for emergency.
①  are to be prepared
②  would prepared
③  be prepared
④  must be prepared
【单选题】 I __________ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadn’t.
①  pick out
②  make out
③  give off
④  put off
【单选题】 I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.
①  seldom
②  ever
③  never
④  always
【单选题】 I remember _______ you the story last night.
①  telling
②  told
③  to tell
④  have told
【单选题】 Not __________, with youth unemployment so high, some school – leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.
①  obviously
②  surprisingly
③  particularly
④  normally
【单选题】 I’ll send you a short message as soon as I _______ in Hong Kong.
①  arrived
②  will arrive
③  am going to arrive
④  arrive
【单选题】 Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?
①  Speaking, please
②  I’d like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you can’t