【多选题】 陈某购买了30克海洛因。一天,魏某来到陈某家,陈某便说:“这种粉末很提神”,欺骗魏某吸食了一些。后来,胡某也来到陈某处,陈某强迫胡某也吸食了一些,则陈某构成( )。
①  欺骗他人吸毒罪
②  强迫他人吸毒罪
③  非法持有毒品罪
④  窝藏毒品罪
【多选题】 陈某1988年从部队转业,半年后与李某结婚,结婚时李某购置了一套家具。1994年陈某创作长篇小说《军人》。1999年李某得知1986年陈某的姑妈去世遗留陈某一套私房,一直由陈某的父母居住。根据以上情况,陈、李二人的夫妻共同财产包括哪些?
①  陈某的转业费
②  李某所购置的家具
③  出版小说《军人》所得的稿费
④  陈某姑妈遗留的房屋
【单选题】 陶某(女)与陈某同居,因为陈某暗中还与另一女子李某有两性关系,陶某很生气,要陈某与李某断绝关系,没料到陈某根本不听劝告,于是陶某在陈某熟睡时用尖刀捅死了陈某。在被捕时,陶某已经怀孕4个月,在起诉前给她做了人工流产手术,则( )。
①  可以使用死刑
②  不能适用死刑,但可以适用死刑缓期两年执行
③  不能适用死刑,也不能适用死缓
④  在量刑上可以考虑从轻处罚
【多选题】 谭某将房屋出售给陈某,交付了房屋但没有办理过户登记。后谭某又将房屋出售给不知情的张某,并办理了过户登记。以下说法正确的是()。
①  此时房屋的占有人为陈某。
②  谭某不可以向陈某行使返还原物请求权。
③  张某可以向陈某行使返还原物请求权。
④  此时房屋的占有人为张某。
【单选题】 在刑事诉讼中,诉讼代理人帮助当事人伪造证据的2003年4月,SARS肆虐。有人向疫情防疫部门报告陈某从疫区返乡,但未进行医学隔离观察,陈某出现发热、咳嗽等症状。防疫部门遂派工作人员来到陈某家,要求对其进行隔离观察。此时,陈某的妻子李某,母亲何某,哥哥陈大、陈二将防疫工作人员围住,不让对陈某进行隔离,并说:“陈某没有病,就是有病,死也要死在家里。”工作人员要进行强制隔离时,陈大、陈二、李某拿出铁锹、锄头等农具进行阻拦,使得防疫工作拖延达2小时之久,并将工作人员魏某打成轻伤,造成极坏的影响。陈大、陈二及李某的行为构成( )。
①  妨害公务罪
②  聚众扰乱社会秩序罪
③  故意伤害罪
④  妨害传染病防治罪
【单选题】 陈某外出期间家中失火,邻居家10岁的女儿刘某呼叫邻居救火,并取自家衣物参与扑火。在救火过程中,刘某手部烧伤,花去医疗费200元,衣物损失100元。下列哪种说法是正确的?
①  陈某应偿付刘某100元
②  陈某应偿付刘某200元
③  陈某应偿付刘某300元
④  陈某无须补偿刘某
【多选题】 公安局预审员王某在审理某卷烟厂女工陈某盗窃案时,对陈某犯盗窃甲级香烟209条(价值1600余元)的罪行,不追査,不取证,还将罪证材料销毁,掩护陈某逃避惩罚。陈某在王某的掩护下获得释放后,王某以此要挟,将陈某多次奸污。对王某的行为下列各项哪些表述不正确?( )
①  包庇罪和强奸罪
②  徇私枉法罪和强奸罪
③  伪证罪和强奸罪
④  玩忽职守罪与强奸罪
【多选题】 陈某在街上趁刘某不备,将其手机(价值2590元)夺走。随后,陈某反复使用该手机拨打国际长途电话,致使刘某损失话费5200元。一周后,陈某将该手机丢弃在某邮局门口,引起保安人员的怀疑,经询问案发。下列有关此案的说法中,哪些是不正确的?( )
①  对陈某的行为以抢夺罪从重处罚即可
②  对陈某的行为以盗窃罪从重处罚即可
③  对陈某的行为以抢夺罪与盗窃罪实行数罪并罚
④  对陈某的行为以抢夺罪与故意毁坏财物罪实行数罪并罚
【单选题】 陈某因故意伤害罪被人民法院判处有期徒刑5年。服刑期间,由于有立功表现陈某被假释。假释考验期满之日,几个朋友邀陈某到一饭店摆宴庆贺他获得新生,陈某喝酒较多。饭后,陈某驾车回家,途中撞倒一人,陈某下车一看人已死亡,驾车逃离现场,后被查获。对陈某的行为应当如何处理?( )
①  按照交通肇事罪处理
②  按照累犯处理
③  按照“先减后并”的原则实行交通肇事罪与故意伤害罪的数罪并罚
④  按照过失杀人罪处理
【单选题】 陈某承包的镇办拉丝厂的电线,是镇供电站专门拉的一条单线,为此电站站长经常以查电为由来厂里吃饭,每次陈某都十分客气。1994年7月,站长的弟弟吴某突然拉来一卡车西瓜,要求陈某买下。陈某声称已经给工人发过降温费,而且也用不了这么多西瓜,当场表示拒绝。但是当晚厂里的电就被停掉,电站站长告知陈某线路需要检修。第二天,吴某再次将西瓜拉来,并说只要陈某买下西瓜,电就可以送上。陈某无奈,只得以高于市场的价格买下全部西瓜。当晚电也真的就来了。下列说法正确的是()
①  吴某的行为构成欺诈
②  该买卖西瓜的行为属于无效的民事行为
③  吴某的行为构成胁迫
④  该买卖西瓜的行为属于效力未定的民事行为
【单选题】 Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Some explode with anger, and scream and shout. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. Many doctors think that repressing anger is more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They say that when a person is angry, the brain gives out the same hormones (荷尔蒙) as that are produced during tense and nervous situations. They speed the heart rate and raise blood pressure, so the person feels excited and ready to act. Repressing these feelings will only make the feelings continue, and this can lead to many medical problems. To prevent these problems, these doctors suggest letting the anger out by expressing it freely. But recently some other doctors question this. They say that people who express anger repeatedly and violently become, in fact, more but not less angry. And this could cause medical problems. However, some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger strongly may be more likely to develop heart diseases, and that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. Doctors say the solution is to learn how to deal with anger. The first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, and then to decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down, and express yourself calmly and reasonably. Doctors also say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry, for laughter is much healthier than anger.According to the passage, which of the following about hormones is correct?
①  Hormones will cause people to get anxious.
②  Hormones will increase when one gets angry.
③  The brain produces hormones when one’s blood pressure rises.
④  The brain produces hormones when one has medical problems.
【单选题】 It is no good ___________ to know what you dont know.
①  pretend
②  to pretend
③  pretending
④  pretends
【单选题】 A _________ is ten years
①  decade
②  century
③  millennium
④  dozen
【单选题】 Goats are being hired to do the work of people near San Diego. The fires that occurred in Hillborbough four years ago destroyed thirty homes, most of which have been rebuilt. While people were rebuilding the homes, the grasses and bushes were growing back. The area is now so overgrown in bushes that there is again a major danger of fire.The city government put up bids to remove the bushes. The lowest bid they received was $50,000—and that was if the city provided breakfast and lunch for the workers for the six weeks it would take to clear the overgrown area. The city only wanted to give unlimited coffee and a piece of bread a day for each person. When that offer was rejected, the city asked for help on its website.A sheepherder in Montanta and a goat-keeper in San Bernardino read about the city’s plight(困境)while surfing the Web. They both offered to do the job for $25,000. The city government chose the goat-keeper because he lived closer. When he was told that the city dump(垃圾场)was overflowing , the goat-keeper said, “No problem. My goats will eat everything in your dump, except the car engines, of course.” So, for another $5,000, the city killed two birds with one stone. If all goes well, they will invite the goat-keeper and his “family” back every three years. The goat-keeper said that he would probably visit San Diego while his goats were in the dump.What are the “two birds” that the city government kills with only one stone?
①  Both the sheepherder and goat-keeper will work for the city for $25,000.
②  The danger of fire and providing breakfast and lunch for the work crews.
③  The danger of fire and the overflowing dump.
④  The city government can save some money and the goat-keeper has a new job.
【单选题】 You have to work hard if you want to __________ in your courses.
①  achieve
②  succeed
③  win
④  beat
【单选题】 I will tell you____________ you have to study biology.
①  why
②  which
③  what
④  where
【单选题】 Susan: How do you do, Mrs. White.Mrs. White: How do you do, Susan. I’m glad you can join us. __________
①  Dont be shy.
②  Please feel natural.
③  Make yourself at home.
④  Feel all right here.
【单选题】 I ___________ a short rest before we continue the work.
①  produce
②  publish
③  propose
④  pull
【单选题】 Visitor: How do I get to the bank? I have no knowledge of this area.   Policeman: Cross the road and turn left at the other side. __________ for about 100 meters and the bank is to your left.
①  Continue your walking
②  Keep going straight
③  Go along
④  Go on walking
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Jim wasnt a coward and he hated the Fascists deeply.
①  正确
②  错误