【判断题】 可编程中断控制器8259A仅能单片使用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 8259A可编程中断控制器的中断服务寄存器ISR用于()
①  记忆正在处理中的中断
②  存放从外设来的中断请求信号
③  允许向CPU发中断请求
④  禁止向CPU发中断请求
【单选题】 可编程中断控制器8259A每片具有( ) 优先权控制 。
①  4级
②  2级
③  8级
④  6级
【简答题】 1片8259A中断控制器可管理[填空1]级中断,用9片8259A可构成[填空2]级主从式中断管理系统。
【单选题】 两片8259A构成级联方式的中断控制器,可连()中断源。
①  8
②  16
③  15
④  24
【判断题】 8259A只能管理可屏蔽中断,而不能管理非屏蔽中断。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 两片8259A接成级联缓冲方式可管理(???)个可屏蔽中断。
①  2
②  15
③  16
④  256
【判断题】 两片8259A接成级联缓冲方式可管理16个可屏蔽中断。(?)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 采用两只中断的控制器8259A级联后,CPU的可屏蔽硬中断源能扩大到()。
①  64个
②  32个
③  16个
④  15个
【单选题】 两片8259A级联后可管理( )级中断。
①  15
②  16
③  32
④  6
【单选题】 The flower is dead. I ____ it more water. ?
①  must give ?
②  should have given ?
③  ?would have given ?
④  will give ?
【单选题】 ____ what the situation would be like, they decided to keep silent.
①  Knowing not
②  Not know
③  Not knowing
④  Having not known
【单选题】 All of us think it difficult to ____ the difference between the two things.
①  talk
②  speak
③  lecture
④  tell
【单选题】 Alicereceived an invitation from her boss, ____came as a surprise.?
①  it ?
②  that ?
③  which ?
④  he?
【单选题】 —What day is today?—Today is____.
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 This painting is ____ of his work.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  feature
【单选题】 ____ is essential to a successful scientist; he cannot hope to make any progress if he cannot work in a controlled way.
①  Discipline
②  Decision
③  Declaration
④  Dependence
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 Many a customer____ about the poor quality of the washing machine.
①  complains
②  complain
③  are complaining
④  have complained
【单选题】 ____ by this, he couldn’t say anything.
①  Satisfied
②  Feared
③  Frightened
④  Encouraged