若净现值为负数,表明该投资项目( )
【判断题】 若净现值为负数,则表明该投资项目的投资报酬率小于0,项目不可行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 若净现值为负数,则表明该投资项目的投资报酬率小于O,项目不可行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对于单一投资方案,如果内含报酬率大于设定的贴现率则项目是可行的。()
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 若某投资方案以内含报酬率作为评价指标,保证投资方案可行的要求是内含报酬率( )。
①  大于零
②  大于企业的资金成本
③  大于通货膨胀率
④  大于1
⑤  大于必要报酬率
【简答题】 内含报酬率是使投资项目的净现值等于[填空1]的贴现率。
【判断题】 内部报酬率是项目累计净现值为0时的贴现率。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 内部报酬率是项目累计净现值为0时的贴现率,内部报酬率的值越[填空1]越好。
【单选题】 项目内含报酬率为净现值为()时的贴现率。
①  0
②  1
③  -1
④  2
【单选题】 某投资方案贴现率为16%时,净现值为6.12;贴现率为18%时,净现值为-3.17,则该方案的内含报酬率为( )。
①  17.68%
②  17.32%
③  18.32%
④  16.68%
【单选题】 某投资方案贴现率为16%时,净现值为6.12;贴现率为18%时,净现值为-3.17,则该方案的内含报酬率为( )。
①  17.68%
②  17.32%
③  18.32%
④  16.68%
【单选题】 当贴现率与内含报酬率相等时( )。
①  净现值小于零
②  净现值等于零
③  净现值大于零
④  净现值不一定
【单选题】 In Australia,_____ the Asians make their influence in businesses large and small.
①  feeling
②  feel
③  felt
④  to be felt
【单选题】 The teacher doesnt permit______in class.
①  smoke
②  to smoke
③  smoking
④  to have a smoke
【单选题】 Thechildrenwenttheretowatchtheirontower________.
①  to erect
②  erecting
③  be erected
④  being erected
【单选题】 Mr. Johnson preferred_______ heavier work to do.
①  to be given
②  to be giving
③  to have given
④  having given
【单选题】 The speaker, _______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
①  having known
②  being known
③  knowing
④  known
【单选题】 I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.
①  once offering
②  him once offering
③  him to offer
④  to offer him
【单选题】 WellvisitEuropenextyear______wehaveenoughmoney.
①  lest
②  until
③  unless
④  provided
【单选题】 The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_______up to half will be from Orient.
①  in which
②  for whom
③  with which
④  of whom
【单选题】 Finding a good job and ______ were Larrys main goals.
①  to keep it
②  to keep the job
③  to be keeping it
④  keeping it
【单选题】 The stockholders except the chairman of the board whom they elected to organize, direct,________, and supervise the operation of the company.
①  controlling
②  with control
③  under control
④  control