There is_______ coffee in this glass as in that one.
five times as many
five times as much
five times than
five times more
【单选题】 It was a(n) _______ achievement ― no one has ever won the championship five times before.
①  single
②  unique
③  only
④  sole
【单选题】 My____ brother is five years ____ than I.
①  elder … older
②  elder…old
③  older….old
④  elder…elder
【单选题】 he children  ()  many times not to play with fire.
①  told
②  have told
③  have been told
④  are being told
【单选题】 What are the five components of communicative competence?
①  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
②  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy
③  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
④  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy.
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【判断题】 I’ll be back in five minutes.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I begin[填空]English five years ago
①  learning
②  learn
③  learned
④  learnt
【单选题】 There [] five trees and a well behind her house.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 He __________ five telephone calls to his parents.
①  makes
②  was made
③  has made
④  was making
【单选题】 14. I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words ______ I have tested him myself.
①  after
②  when
③  if
④  until
【判断题】 学校的性教育是为了指导学生如何与异性交往。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 学校形象的构成要素包括
①  学生形象
②  教工形象
③  校长形象
【多选题】 学校的领导职能有
①  决策职能
②  用人职能
③  检查职能
④  教学改革职能
【多选题】 学校管理具有_____等主要特征
①  教育性
②  管制性
③  多维性
【单选题】 学校管理改革的一般过程的最后阶段是
①  调查研究
②  提出问题
③  评估反馈
④  制定方案
【单选题】 校长负责制的性质是( )
①  个人负责制
②  集体负责制
③  三位一体制
④  集体领导与个人负责结合制
【单选题】 学校管理工作应当遵循的行为准则是
①  学校管理思想
②  学校管理目标
③  学校领导体制
④  学校管理原则
【单选题】 协助校长抓好德育工作,加强学生思想政治和品德教育的是
①  副校长
②  党支部书记
③  教导主任
④  总务主任
【判断题】 学会认知、学会做事、学会共同生活、学会生存是“教育的四个支柱”,基础教育则是“走向生活的通行证”。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由于环境自身的两重性,因而对素质发展的影响也相应地具有两重性。
①  正确
②  错误