【单选题】 口服铁剂对下列何种药物的胃肠道吸收影响最大
①  四环素
②  红霉素
③  青霉素G
④  氯霉素
⑤  阿莫西林
【判断题】 口服药物和直肠给药都会发生首过效应。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 药物首关消除可发生于下列哪种给药后
①  舌下
②  吸入
③  肌内注射
④  口服
⑤  皮下注射
【单选题】 药物吸收后可发生首关消除的给药途径是
①  直肠给药
②  皮肤给药
③  吸入给药
④  静脉给药
⑤  口服给药
【单选题】 既可以经胃肠道给药又可以经非胃肠道给药的剂型是( )。
①  合剂
②  胶囊剂
③  气雾剂
④  溶液剂
【单选题】 用于防治静脉血栓的口服药物是( )
①  heparin
②  warfarin
③  链激酶
④  枸橼酸钠
⑤  尿激酶
【判断题】 首关消除能够使药物作用时间延长
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 可明显解除胃肠道平滑肌痉挛的药物是
①  多巴胺
②  麻黄碱
③  阿托品
④  肾上腺素
⑤  东莨菪碱
【单选题】 影响直肠给药栓剂中药物吸收因素不包括的是( )。
①  生理因素
②  制药设备
③  药物溶解度
④  药物脂溶性
⑤  基质因素
【多选题】 在影响药物作用的因素和合理用药过程中,属于药物方面的因素有()
①  A.药物的性质
②  B.药物的剂量
③  C.饮食对药物的影响
④  D.用药时间
【单选题】 10.This 1998 incident is timely ______ of the threat that a market economy may face.
①  caution
②  notice
③  remainder
④  reminder
【单选题】 14.If you move to the left, you _______able to see the church.
①  will be
②  were
③  are
④  have been
【单选题】 3.This little girl began to show the sign of ______ her brother in spoken English.
①  better
②  surpassing
③  exceeding
④  beyond
【单选题】 8. As a part of______ process, gradual loss of hearing ability can be difficult to deal with.
①  aging
②  aged
③  old
④  elderly
【单选题】 5.Sometimes animals can _______ the coming disaster, so they can protect themselves.
①  imagine
②  taste
③  sense
④  ignore
【单选题】 13.Oil floats if you ______it on water.
①  will pour
②  are going to pour
③  pour
④  poured
【单选题】 22. When a fire ______ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
①  broke off
②  broke out
③  broke down
④  broke up
【单选题】 23. Realizing that he hadnt enough money and ______ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.
①  not wanted
②  not to want
③  not wanting
④  . wanting not
【单选题】 20.The girl’s voice was so low that we could ________ hear her.
①  seldom
②  almost
③  only
④  hardly
【单选题】 7.When we go abroad we are always being ______ around like a group of mentally disabled people.
①  guided
②  .ushered
③  introduced
④  displayed