(  )对会计职业道德进行自律管理与约束。
【判断题】 会计行业的自律机制和会计职业道德惩戒制度是由财政部门组织建立的。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 财政部门对会计职业道德监督检查的途径有(  )。
①  会计法执法检查与会计职业道德检查相结合
②  会计从业资格证书注册登记管理与会计职业道德检查相结合
③  会计专业技术资格考评与会计职业道德检查相结合
④  会计专业技术资格聘用与会计职业道德检查相结合
【判断题】 会计行业的自律机制是由财政部门组织建立的。(  )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 对会计职业道德进行自律管理与约束的机构是(  )。
①  财政部门
②  会计职业组织
③  工商行政管理部门
④  其他组织
【多选题】 财政部门对会计职业道德情况实施检查的论径主要有
①  会计职业道德检查与会计法执法检查相结合
②  会计职业道德检查与会计人员表彰奖励制度相结合
③  会计职业道德检查与会计专业技术资格考评、聘用相结合
④  采用多种形式开展会计职业道德宣传教育
【判断题】 将会计执法检查与会计职业道德检查相结合,是财政部门对会计职业道德进行监督检查的途径之一。 (  )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 将会计执法检查与会计职业道德检查相结合是财政部门对会计职业道德进行监督检查的途径之一。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 财政部门可以通过将会计从业资格证书注册登记管理与会计职业道德检查相结合的途径来实现对会计职业道德的监督检查。(  )
【单选题】 对会计职业道德进行监督检查的部门主要是( )。
①  纪律检查和监察部门
②  工商行政管理部门
③  财政部门
④  会计行业组织
【多选题】 财政部门在开展下列工作时,可将会计人员职业道德情况纳入考核内容的有(  )。
①  会计从业资格证书年检
②  会计法执法检查
③  会计人员评优表彰
④  会计专业技术资格的考评、聘用
【单选题】 ——Are you content with her lecture? ——Nowhere near that. It ____.
①  mayhavebeengood
②  couldn’thavebeenworse
③  couldn’thavebeenworse
④  mustbebetter
【单选题】 Experience is believing. If you’d like to know what it ____ like to be a soldier in World War Ⅱ,____ the game “Brothers in Arms: Roads to Hill 30”.
①  wouldbe;try
②  wouldbe;try
③  wouldbe;trying
④  was;trying
【单选题】 Nothing in my life has meant ____ to me as his praise.
①  asmuch
②  more
③  thatmuch
④  asgood
【单选题】 After the 1980s, the West became Godlike to many Chinese because of ____ Westerners’ wealth, and ____ freedom to do what they wanted.
①  /;/
②  the;the
③  the;/
④  /;the
【单选题】 Shanghai is the first city in the world ____a high-speed maglev train, from the city to Pudong Airport.
①  tobuild
②  tobebuilt
③  tohavebuilt
④  tohavebeenbuilt
【单选题】 The size of the generation gap seems to be spreading with ____ rapid changes in technology, in education, in transportation and in communication that are taking place all over ____ globe.
①  the;the
②  the;/
③  /;/
④  /;the
【单选题】 Never in my wildest dreams ____ lead to a career in the NBA, which has allowed me to give back to my people in Africa.
①  Ithoughtthechancewould
②  Ithoughtwouldthechance
③  didIthinkthechancewould
④  didIthinkwouldthechance
【单选题】 Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as ____ all other animals on the earth.
①  are
②  is
③  have
④  do
【单选题】 She’s fainted. Throw some water on her face and she’ll ____.
①  comeround
②  comealong
③  comeon
④  comeout
【单选题】 The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.
①  turned
②  set
③  held
④  ran