高等学校在填制会计凭证、登记会计账簿时,应当填列会计科目的名称,或者同时填列会计科目的名称和编号,不得只填科目编号、不填列科目名称。(  )
【判断题】 社会保险基金会计制度及新旧衔接中,在填制会计凭证、登记账簿时,经办机构可以填列会计科目的名称,或者同时填列会计科目的名称和编号,或者只填列科目编号而不填列科目名称。(  )
【判断题】 账户是会计科目的名称。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 账户是会计科目的名称,会计科目是根据账户开设的。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 会计科目是()的名称。
①  会计账户
②  会计等式
③  会计对象
④  会计要素
【判断题】 账户的名称就是会计科目
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 会计科目编号的设计原则包括:
①  专一性原则
②  规律性原则
③  简明性原则
④  扩展性原则
⑤  合法性原则
【多选题】 下列哪些属于会计科目的设置原则?
①  按政策要求设置会计科目
②  按国际通则设置会计科目
③  按管理者偏好设置会计科目
④  按管理需要设置会计科目
【单选题】 会计科目是( )。
①  账户的名称
②  账簿的名称
③  报表项目的名称
④  会计要素的名称
【多选题】 在凭证中输入会计科目时,可输入( )。
①  科目编码
②  助记码
③  科目名称
④  科目性质
【单选题】 我国会计科目采用几位数编号?
【单选题】 A new teacher was sent to the village in place of ____ one who had retired.
①  a
②  the
③  an
④  Its
【单选题】 ____ was evident that Mr. Wang had come back to Shanghai.
①  This
②  He
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 Jack, the boss, asked Steven to leave — ____, she was filed.?
①  whats more ?
②  in addition?
③  on the contrary ?
④  D. in other words ?
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 “Where do you suggest going?” “We promised ____ the children to the West Lake.”
①  taking
②  to take
③  taken
④  took
【单选题】 Don’t be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. ?
①  strange ?
②  amusing ?
③  curious ?
④  conscious?
【单选题】 To their surprise, they had much ____ and they even went to the same college. ?
①  in the same ?
②  in common ?
③  all the same ?
④  common things ?
【单选题】 ____ little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!
①  If I had got up
②  If only I get up
③  If only I had got up
④  If I got up
【单选题】 My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are ____.
①  nephews
②  cousins
③  brothers
④  nieces
【单选题】 Education and medical care are very ____ in theUnited States.
①  much
②  cheap
③  many
④  expensive