下列选项中,不属于风险偏好应具备的要素的是(  )。
【单选题】 (单选)下列各项中,属于反映企业经营成果的会计要素是()
①  收入
②  所有者权益
③  资产
④  负债
【判断题】 留存利润是企业经营所得净利润的积累。它属于企业所有,而不属于投资者所有。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 反映企业经营成果的最终要素是( )。
①  资产
②  收入
③  利润
④  所有者权益
【单选题】 战略目标是企业经营战略的核心,它反映了企业的经营思想,表达了企业的期望,指明了企业今后( )努力方向。
①  短期内
②  一年内
③  较长时期内
④  5—10年内
【多选题】 下列会计要素中,不属于企业经营成果的会计要素是(   )。
①  资产
②  利润
③  收入
④  所有者权益
【单选题】 下列不属于企业经营战略的特征是( )
①  全局性
②  长远性
③  纲领性
④  决策性
【多选题】 反映企业经营成果的会计要素有( )
①  资产
②  收入
③  费用
④  利润
⑤  所有者权益
【多选题】 反映企业经营成果的会计要素包括( )。
①  收入                
②  费用
③  资产
④  所有者权益
⑤  利润
【单选题】 企业经营哲学的具体反映和企业宗旨的表达方式是()。
①  成长方向
②  经营目的
③  企业使命
④  经营方针
【单选题】 不属于企业经营决策内容的是( )
①  产品决策
②  投资投策
③  企业形象塑造决策
④  领导制度选定决策
【单选题】 Comrade Li Dazhao,___ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.
①  sometimes
②  sometime
③  some times
④  some time
【单选题】 At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it __ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
①  crossed
②  passed
③  occurred
④  opened
【单选题】 If there were no subjunctive mood, English ___ much easier.
①  will be
②  would have been
③  could have been
④  would be
【单选题】 The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
①  stopped
②  failed
③  missed
④  ceased
【单选题】 If it ___ next week, the crops would be saved.
①  rains
②  will rains
③  would rain
④  should rain
【判断题】 This material is worn well.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 What a good news theyve got. No wonder they are so happy.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 She had her finger cut when she is paper-cutting.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Plastics has taken the place of many other materials.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 I opened the letter and it contained important informations.
①  正确
②  错误