【判断题】 计息周期为一年时,名义年利率与实际年利率相等。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某一投资项目,年利率8%,每季计息一次,其实际年利率为( )
①  8%
②  8.16%
③  8.24%
④  8.32%
【单选题】 公司采用贴现法从银行贷款,年利率为10%,则该项贷款的实际年利率为( )
①  9%
②  10%
③  约11%
④  12%
【单选题】 某公司向银行借款1000元,年利率为16%,按复利计算,则其实际年利率为?
①  4%
②  15%
③  16%
④  17%
【判断题】 连续复利年利率是指计息频率无穷大时的年利率。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某项目年初借款1000万元,年利率为10%,按年计息,三年后一次还清本息。该项目利息为()
①  305万元
②  328万元
③  331万元
④  346万元
【单选题】 某债券的面值为1000元,,票面年利率为12%,期限为3年。若市场年利率为10%,则其发行价格( )
①  大于1000元
②  小于1000元
③  等于1000元
④  无法计算
【单选题】 某债券的面值为1 000元,票面年利率为12%,期限为3年,每半年支付一次利息。若市场年利率为12%,则该债券内在价值( )。
①  大于1 000元
②  小于1 000元
③  等于1 000元
④  无法计算
【单选题】 某债券的面值为1 000元,票面年利率为12%,期限为3年,每半年支付一次利息。若市场年利率为12%,则该债券内在价值( )。
①  大于1 000元
②  小于1 000元
③  等于1 000元
④  无法计算
【单选题】 若年利率为12%,每季复利一次,则每年期利率实际利率等于
①  10.55%
②  11.45%
③  11.55%
④  12.55%
【单选题】 Ithinkthestoryisnotso ________ asthatone.
①  interesting
②  interested
③  moreinteresting
④  mostinteresting
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she __________ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 It was said that his father _________ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died
【单选题】 Mymotherisno ________ young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition . I ________ for two hours and a half.
①  have written it
②  have been writing it
③  wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 I will __________ here till you give me some money.
①  leave
②  not leave
③  come
④  return
【单选题】 “ Has he seen this film ? ” “Yes. He _________ it several days ago.”
①  saw
②  has seen
③  had seen
④  was seeing
【单选题】 A hunter is a man who __________ animals.
①  catch
②  catches
③  will catch
④  was catching
【单选题】 These children are _________ this year than they were last year.
①  moretall
②  moretaller
③  verytaller
④  muchtaller
【单选题】 Yourroomis _______ thanmine.
①  three time big
②  threetimesbig
③  threetimesbigger
④  biggerthreetimes