【单选题】 利润率向平均利润率转化的过程同时就是
①  价值转化为生产价格的过程
②  剩余价值率转化为利润率的过程
③  各部门资本家重新瓜分剩余价值的过程
④  剩余价值转化为利润的过程
【单选题】 在各种产品的利润率不变的情况下,提高利润率低的产品在全部产品中所占的比重,则全部产品的平均利润率( )
①  提高
②  降低
③  不变
④  无法确定
【单选题】 不考虑风险和通货膨胀情况下的的社会资金的平均利润率是( )
①  债券利率
②  贷款利率
③  股票利率
④  货币时间价值
【判断题】 通常情况下,货币时间价值是指没有风险也没有通货膨胀情况下的社会平均利润率,是利润平均化规律发生作用的结果。(  )
【单选题】 利润率是
①  剩余价值与预付资本的比率
②  剩余价值与所费资本的比率
③  剩余价值与可变资本的比率
④  剩余价值与不变资本的比率
【多选题】 利润转化为平均利润的过程,同时也是( )。
①  资本有机构成提高的过程
②  价值转化为生产价格的过程
③  资本在不同部门之间发生转移的过程
④  资本家集团重新瓜分剩余价值的过程
【单选题】 剩余价值率和利润率的关系是
①  利润率是剩余价值率的转化形式
②  利润率和剩余价值率就是一回事
③  剩余价值率总是大于利润率
④  剩余价值率总是小于利润率
【多选题】 对于上市公司除了分析销售利润率、总资产利润率、净资产利润率等一般指标外,还需要分析(  )。
①  每股盈余
②  市盈率
③  每股股利
④  股利支付率
【单选题】 下列不属于利润率指标的是(  )。
①  销售收入
②  税前利润率
③  总资产利润率
④  净资产利润率
【单选题】 计划利润率的依据。
①  施工合同
②  施工规范
③  设计规范
④  监理规范
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smallest of which
②  the smallest of them
③  the smaller of which
④  smallest of that
【单选题】 The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.
①  consistent
②  conscious
③  sensitive
④  sensual
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【单选题】 Large fish usually _____ small fish.
①  gather
②  take on
③  feed on
④  organize
【单选题】 I often ______ the cooking for my family, but recently I have been too busy to do it.
①  will do
②  do
③  am doing
④  had done
【单选题】 The plane was about to _________, and yet l left my ticket behind.
①  take on
②  take off
③  take up
④  take in
【单选题】 Global warming threatens the _______ of the whole human race.
①  summit
②  superiority
③  survival
④  status
【单选题】 So little ____ with each other that the neighbors could not settle their difference.
①  agreed did they
②  did they agree
③  they agree
④  they did agree
【单选题】 Putting in a new window will _____ cutting away part of the roof.
①  include
②  involve
③  contain
④  comprise
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____whatever____ he or she wants.
①  正确
②  错误