【多选题】 职场上的人际沟通有哪些功能
①  获取信息
②  建立相互理解的基础
③  确定发放的身份
④  满足相互的需求
【单选题】 人际沟通有许多方式,根据蒂博特对人际沟通的分类,人与人之间的吵架属于()
①  假相倚沟通
②  非对称性相倚沟通
③  反应性相倚
④  彼此相倚
【多选题】 人际沟通的功能主要包括()。
①  A.心理功能
②  B.社会功能
③  C.协调功能
④  D.自我完善功能
【单选题】 人际沟通的层次有:()。
①  A.不沟不通;沟而不通;沟而能通;不沟而通
②  B.一般性交谈;陈述事实;交换看法;交流感情; 沟通高峰
③  C.积极互动;符号共识;目的明确;情境制约
④  D.信息层次;情感层次;行为层次
【多选题】 人际沟通的禁忌包括( )。
①  凡事包打听
②  讲大话吹嘘自己
③  一味吹捧对方
④  故弄玄虚
⑤  过分暴露自己的“隐私”
【多选题】 人际沟通的禁忌包括(? ? )。
①  凡事包打听
②  讲大话吹嘘自己
③  一味吹捧对方
④  故弄玄虚
⑤  过分暴露自己的“隐私”
【多选题】 人际沟通的层次包括( )
①  信息层次
②  情感层次
③  态度层次
④  行为层次
【多选题】 人际沟通是人与人之间信息传递、思想沟通、情感交流的过程,实现人际沟通的必要条件包括下列()
①  信息反馈
②  信息源
③  信息
④  信息渠道
⑤  信息接受者
【单选题】 影响人际沟通效果的环境因素是()。
①  A.沟通者情绪烦躁
②  B.沟通者听力障碍
③  C.沟通双方距离较远
④  D.沟通双方价值观不同
【单选题】 心理学观点认为,人际沟通()
①  无规律可言
②  只要有人就可以进行
③  有时也可以借助报刊来实现
④  不一定有目的
【单选题】 24.Don’t worry about Susan. She hasn’t been _____________ she pretends.
①  as lucky as
②  as unlucky as
【单选题】 4.After a delay of two hours, it was finally announced that the passengers could now _______ the plane.
①  get for
②  get up
③  go to
④  board
【单选题】 26.The meeting was put off because we ________ a meeting without John.
①  objected having
②  were objected to having
③  objected to have
④  objected to having
【单选题】 2. The cause of ______ disease is the economic and educational backwardness of the country.
①  long
②  infectious
③  bad
④  boring
【单选题】 28. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the ________ for herself.
①  credit
②  attention
③  focus
④  award
【单选题】 11.You hardly phone me. Why don’t you phone me _______.
①  often
②  . more often
③  always
④  more always
【单选题】 1. Drug testing at work and in school has almost become _______ in many American cities.
①  routine
②  infectious
③  terrific
④  valuable
【单选题】 13.The children have left. It’s getting _______ now.
①  quiet
②  quieter
③  more quiet
④  . calmer
【单选题】 7.He______ her on her new dress without looking at it.
①  praised
②  B. enjoyed
③  complimented
④  cared
【单选题】 25.I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ___________ .
①  comfortable
②  more comfortable