倾听的客观障碍是指在倾听的过程中客观存在的障碍,它是不以人的意志为转移的。下面哪项不是倾听的客观障碍(    )
【多选题】 倾听的障碍有哪些
①  不愿听
②  听不懂
③  选择性倾听
④  打断别人的话
【判断题】 儿童的欣赏能力包括倾听和理解能力
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 幼儿的倾听技能包括辨析性倾听能力和理解性倾听能力。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 交际对象是观点的倾听者、接受者。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 倾听的过程中应注意()。
①  面带微笑
②  交谈中要多讲多听,不随意打断他人的讲话
③  倾听时偶尔挑毛病
④  以上都是
【单选题】 学会倾听在沟通过程中至关重要,下列说法哪项是好的倾听习惯()
①  喜欢批评或打断对方
②  创造谈话兴趣
③  反应过于情绪化
④  表现出对话题缺乏兴趣
⑤  注意力不集中
【多选题】 让倾听更高效,需要训练以下能力
①  倾听时的注意力
②  倾听时的理解力
③  倾听时的记忆力
④  倾听时的辨析力
⑤  倾听时的灵敏力
【单选题】 在会谈中,对倾听的理解不正确的是( )。
①  要耐心地倾听
②  不随便评论
③  要及时把握关键点
④  可随时打断求助者
【多选题】 培养倾听的秘诀有哪些?()
①  A 培养主动倾听的心态
②  B 营造有利于倾听的环境
③  C 多留意自己的肢体语言
④  D 用同理心来倾听
【多选题】 谈判中存在的障碍有哪些
①  听的障碍
②  说服的障碍
③  不能直接交流的障碍
④  面对面交流的障碍
【单选题】 9.He is far ______in sports than I am.
①  more interested
②  more interesting
③  as interested
④  as interesting
【单选题】 5.Ten minutes later a taxi ______ in front of the house, where we had arranged to meet.
①  pulled out
②  . pulled up
③  pulled down
④  pulled off
【单选题】 19.The church is the _____building in the town.
①  eldest
②  ancient
③  oldest
④  old
【单选题】 29. I remember __________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.
①  to be paid
②  get paid
③  that I receive pay
④  being paid
【单选题】 10. The coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______.
①  strong
②  heavier
③  stronger
④  heavy
【单选题】 24.Don’t worry about Susan. She hasn’t been _____________ she pretends.
①  as lucky as
②  as unlucky as
【单选题】 4.After a delay of two hours, it was finally announced that the passengers could now _______ the plane.
①  get for
②  get up
③  go to
④  board
【单选题】 26.The meeting was put off because we ________ a meeting without John.
①  objected having
②  were objected to having
③  objected to have
④  objected to having
【单选题】 2. The cause of ______ disease is the economic and educational backwardness of the country.
①  long
②  infectious
③  bad
④  boring
【单选题】 28. Sally contributed a lot to the project, but she never once accepted all the ________ for herself.
①  credit
②  attention
③  focus
④  award