3. 硝酸甘油没有的不良反应是:
【单选题】 与硝酸甘油扩张血管作用无关的不良反应是( )。
①  体位性低血压
②  升高眼内压
③  心率加快
④  搏动性头痛
⑤  高铁血红蛋白血症
【多选题】 硝酸甘油的不良反应有
①  升高眼内压
②  加快心率
③  搏动性头痛
④  连续应用易产生耐受性
⑤  体位性低血压及晕厥
【单选题】 硝酸甘油的不良反应不包括
①  搏动性头痛
②  体位性低血压
③  反射性心率减慢
④  颅内压增高
⑤  高铁血红蛋白血症
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是硝酸甘油的不良反应
①  头颈皮肤潮红
②  搏动性头痛@水肿
③  直立性低血压
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是硝酸甘油的不良反应
①  头颈皮肤潮红
②  搏动性头痛
③  水肿
④  直立性低血压
【判断题】 毛果芸香碱能够缩瞳升高眼内压
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 毛果芸香碱能够缩曈升高眼内压
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 硝酸甘油的不良反应包括面潮红、眼压增高、体位性低血压。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 颅内压增高“三主征”为头痛、呕吐、视盘水肿。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 成人颅内压增高是指颅内压持续高于
①  10mmH2O
②  100mmH2O
③  200mmH20
④  100mmHg
【单选题】 There are four pairs of socks to ______, but the woman doesn’t know ______ to buy.
①  choose from; which
②  choose from; what
③  choose; which
④  choose ;what
【单选题】 Last month Miss Han ______ a doctor.
①  married with
②  married to
③  was married with
④  got married to
【单选题】 Light waves and heart waves are all electromagnetic. ______ are radio waves.
①  Some
②  Such
③  As
④  So
【单选题】 Ancient Chang’an was seven times _____ the size of today’s Xi’an city.
①  /
②  as much as
③  that of
④  of
【单选题】 How difficult it is ______ the modern world without oil.
①  imagining
②  imagined
③  to imagine
④  having imagined
【单选题】 The exchange of goodwill mission greatly ______ a better understanding between the two countries.
①  carries out
②  brings around
③  breaks out
④  contributes to
【单选题】 I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs twice ______.
①  as much
②  so much
③  that much
④  too much
【单选题】 Young drivers under 25 have the highest number of accidents while those over 50 have ______.
①  the less
②  the least
③  the fewer
④  the fewest
【单选题】 The novelist is a highly ______ person whose works appeal to many readers.
①  imaginable
②  imaginative
③  imaginary
④  imagined
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to