22._____in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end.
【单选题】 For a successful business, friendly and __________ staff are essential.
①  sufficient
②  effective
③  efficient
④  respective
【单选题】 The dispute is ____ to be settled for a long time to come.
①  uncertain
②  susceptible
③  impossible
④  unlikely
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about
【单选题】 We really appreciate our working environment, in -- --- there was open, friendly workplace communication.
①  how
②  what
③  whom
④  which
【单选题】 America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it ____ before the West was settled.
①  could
②  did
③  would
④  was
【单选题】 5.The whole generation was brought up to be ______ of material things, so they had great difficulty settling down to a market economy.
①  scornful
②  . proud
③  sorrowful
④  fear
【单选题】 <img class=jc-formula data-tex=矩阵A经过初等行变换化为B=\left( \begin{ matrix } 2 3 \begin{ matrix } 4 1 \end{ matrix } \\ 0 3 \begin{ matrix } 1 2 \end{ matrix } \\ 0 0 \begin{ matrix } 0 4 \end{ matrix } \\ 0 0 \begin{ matrix } 0 0 \end{ matrix } \end{ matrix } \right) ,则B称为 src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D200394455397DA3DC938E04B9CA22D6.png style=vertical-align: middle;/>
①  行阶梯形矩阵
②  行最简形矩阵
③  标准型矩阵
④  以上三种都不是
【单选题】 The problem is not ____ so easy as you think. Its far from being settled.
①  hardly
②  almost
③  nearly
④  scarcely
【单选题】 It was for this reason ___ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.
①  which
②  why
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 ---When do you wish to visit Canada?---- _____________I am settled, I’ll go there.
①  As
②  Since
③  Once
④  While
【单选题】 下列哪项不是肝硬化的病因
①  乙肝病毒感染
②  高血压
③  心力衰竭
④  长期服用肝损害药物
⑤  长期大量饮酒
【单选题】 尿毒症最早和最常出现的症状是:
①  胃肠道症状
②  血液系统症状
③  泌尿道症状
④  神经系统症状
⑤  心力衰竭
【单选题】 下列除了哪项均为不典型胃食管反流病的临床表现
①  哮喘
②  咳嗽
③  烧心
④  胸痛
⑤  咽喉炎
【单选题】 下列抗结核药哪种不属于杀菌剂:
①  异烟肼
②  利福平
③  链霉素
④  吡嗪酰胺
⑤  乙胺丁醇
【单选题】 我国肝硬化最常见的病因
①  酒精
②  自身免疫性肝炎
③  乙型肝炎
④  丁型肝炎肝炎
⑤  寄生虫感染
【单选题】 下列哪项不是肝硬化门脉高压症的特征
①  腹壁静脉曲张
②  腹水
③  食道静脉曲张
④  脾脏肿大
⑤  肝病面容
【单选题】 男性,60岁,吸烟史。反复咳嗽咳痰20年,气促5年,近3天感冒后出现咳黄浓痰,气喘加重,查体:两肺语颤减弱,可闻及散在哮鸣音及湿罗音。该患者最有可能的诊断是
①  慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期
②  支气管哮喘
③  支气管扩张
④  心力衰竭
⑤  肺结核
【单选题】 急性胰腺炎的最主要临床表现
①  突然发生的腹痛
②  腹胀
③  低血压
④  发热
⑤  恶心呕吐
【单选题】 下列系统性红斑狼疮的临床特点中错误的是
①  蝶形红斑和盘状红斑具有特征性
②  关节痛和肌痛是其常见症状
③  可导致脱发
④  脾脏肿大为主要体征
⑤  常导致心包炎
【单选题】 下列哪项符合二度I型房室传导阻滞的心电图表现
①  P-P间期及R-R间期均不等
②  相邻的P-P间期进行性缩短
③  包含受阻P波在内的R-R间期小于正常P-P间期的两倍
④  最常见的传导比例为4:2
⑤  受阻P波前的一个P-R间期缩短