24.In those days all the work had to be done ___hand.
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 That’s all prepared. It _______done more.
①  shouldn’t
②  mustn’t be
③  dont need to be
【单选题】 Jack was ill and had to ____ in bed for six days.
①  sleep
②  stay
③  keep
④  lay
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]2. I soon found that someone else had already done the work I was doing.[填空1],I was wasting my time.
【单选题】 We solved the problem by using a computer rather than ____ it all by hand.
①  to do
②  do
③  does
④  having done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 After the student was praised for what he had done, he said:“ I______ even better under harder conditions. ”
①  had done
②  did
③  would have done
④  would do
【单选题】 The authors great work has had a profound ( ) on me.
①  effect
②  assurance
③  confidence
④  evidence
【判断题】 新闻的客观性原则要求:对事实的高度重视、将事实和言论分开、公正的报道立场、客观报道方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由于社会控制和从业人员的主观意识,新闻报道中必然存在主观性和倾向性 。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 网络传播环境下坚持新闻真实性的重要意义包括
①  网络新闻的真实性是新闻记者职业道德的体现
②  网络新闻的真实性是满足网络受众新闻需求的重要保证
③  网络新闻的真实性是网络媒体在竞争中取胜的根本保障
④  网络新闻的真实性不重要
【多选题】 如何坚持雅正性,避免煽情化
①  网络新闻工作者要发挥“把关人”的职能,把握好网络新闻价值选择的标准
②  处理好网络新闻中硬新闻和软新闻的关系
③  网络新闻可运用高质量的深度报道来增强雅正性
④  不需要做任何事情
【单选题】 新闻报道必须反映客观事物的本来面貌。()是新闻的生命。
①  真实
②  真相
【判断题】 网络黑客也会对新闻真实性造成影响。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 搜索引擎的使用要合理使用关键词。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 采访邮件的撰写十分重要。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 网络传播环境下坚持新闻真实性没有意义。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 网络新闻工作者要发挥“把关人”的职能,把握好网络新闻价值选择的标准。
①  正确
②  错误