5.---Is your daughter studying for an examination ? --- Yes, he`s ____it next week.
【单选题】 He [填空] very busy this week, he [填空] free next week.
①  will be,is
②  is,is
③  will be,will be
④  is,will be
【单选题】 I’ ll be____ the whole factory next week when the director’ s away.
①  charge
②  in the charge of
③  in charge of
④  take charge of
【单选题】 -“When shall we meet again next week?”-“______________ day is possible. It’s no problem with me.”
①  Either
②  Neither
③  Every
④  Any
【单选题】 15.–What’s your brother like? –He is____.
①  a driver
②  very tall
③  my friend
④  at school
【单选题】 Have your examination results come ___________ yet?
①  at
②  through
③  across
④  to
【单选题】 If it ___ next week, the crops would be saved.
①  rains
②  will rains
③  would rain
④  should rain
【多选题】 I _____________ that he will pass the examination.
①  have no doubt
②  am sure
③  have no idea
④  am sorry
【单选题】 He didnt seem to mind_____the music while he was studying.
①  them listening
②  them to listen to
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 ____ he tried his best , he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 下列各项中,属于资产类会计科目的是( )
①  应付账款
②  应收账款
③  本年利润
④  财务费用
【单选题】 “预收账款”科目所属明细科目如果有借方余额,在编制资产负债表时应在(  )项目中反映。
①  应收账款
②  预收账款
③  预付账款
④  应付账款
【单选题】 银行存款的清查是将银行存款日记账记录与( )核对。
①  银行存款收款、付款凭证
②  总分类账银行存款账户
③  银行对账单
④  开户银行的会计记录
【单选题】 资产负债表的编制基础是(  )。
①  试算平衡
②  记账规则
③  收入一费用=利润
④  资产=负债+所有者权益
【多选题】 在按不同标准对会计科目进行分类时,“库存现金”科目属于下列各项中的( )
①  总分类科目
②  明细分类科目
③  成本类会计科目
④  资产类会计科目
【多选题】 工业企业期间费用包括( )
①  销售费用
②  管理费用
③  预付费用
④  财务费用
【多选题】 明细分类账可以根据( )登记。
①  原始凭证
②  汇总原始凭证
③  累计凭证
④  经济合同
⑤  记账凭证
【多选题】 资产负债表中,流动资产包括(  )。
①  货币资金
②  交易性金融资产
③  应收账款、预付账款
④  一年内到期的长期债券投资
⑤  存货
【多选题】 下列记账凭证中可以不附原始凭证的有( )。
①  收款凭证
②  更正错账的记账凭证
③  转账凭证
④  复式记账凭证
⑤  结账的记账凭证
【多选题】 下列账户中,可能属于资产类账户的有( )
①  应收账款
②  生产成本
③  在途物资
④  应付账款