16.—What made more than 100 passengers die. --- ________the air crash in Russia.
【单选题】 Of all the movies Hepbum made ______ is more memorable than “Breakfast at Tiffanys”.
①  few
②  little
③  no one
④  none
【单选题】 Twenty people were _______ wounded in the air crash.
①  quickly
②  wrongly
③  bitterly
④  seriously
【单选题】 Man________die without air or water.
①  will
②  have to
③  must
④  should
【单选题】 15.Man _____ die without air or water.
①  will
②  have to
③  must
④  should
【单选题】 It is better to die ones feet than _______.
①  living on ones knees
②  live on ones knees
③  on ones knees
④  to live on ones knees
【单选题】 16.—Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you? ---Yes, but much.
①  remainstodo
②  isremainedtodo
③  remainstobedone
④  isremainedtobedone
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 New York is famous for its skyscrapers,_______has more than 100 storeys.
①  the highest
②  the highest of that
③  the highest of which
④  the highest of them
【单选题】 16. _____ money, they are rich.
①  In terms of
②  About
③  Because of
④  By way of
【单选题】 Air is very important, _________ we cannot live any more.
①  without that
②  no which
③  where
④  without which
【判断题】 预测下列化合物与卢卡斯试剂反应速率大小为:(2)(3)(1)(1)正丙醇;(2)2-甲基-2-戊醇;(3)二乙基甲醇
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有机化合物:碳氢化合物及其衍生物。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在炔烃加水的反应中,先生成一个很不稳定的烯醇,烯醇很快转变为稳定的羰基化合物(酮式结构)。烯醇和羰基化合物是同分异构体,这种异构现象称为酮醇互变异构。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 离解能:要使1molA-B双原子分子(气态)共价键解离为原子(气态)时所需要的能量也就是键能,或叫键的离解能。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 苯和苯酚的分离:分离过程:(1)加入氢氧化钠水溶液,分出苯;(2)水相用盐酸酸化,分出苯酚。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 甲苯与氯气在光照下,可生成苄基氯,乙苯在同样条件下可得到2-氯-1-苯基乙烷。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 某些非对映异构体可以是物体与镜像的关系。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 醛、酮是极性化合物,但醛、酮分子间不能形成氢键,所以醛、酮的沸点较分子量相近的烷烃和醚高,但比分子量相近的醇低。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 多原子分子,键能其实就是键的离解能。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 与卢卡斯试剂反应速度顺序如下:2-甲基-2-戊醇二乙基甲醇正丙醇
①  正确
②  错误