39. A survey was carried out on the death rate of those who were infected by SARS, ________were surprising.
【单选题】 A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,________were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 17. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____were surprising.
①  as results
②  which results
③  the results of it
④  the results of which
【单选题】 The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
①  stopped
②  failed
③  missed
④  ceased
【单选题】 Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
①  appreciated
②  approved
③  appealed
④  applied
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 The noise was so ____ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.
①  dim
②  soft
③  faint
④  gentle
【单选题】 Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes ___ people were eaten by the tiger.
①  that
②  by which
③  which
④  in which
【单选题】 A country ________ birth rate is higher than its death rate will have an increasing population.
①  who
②  which
③  whose
④  where
【单选题】 The door opens, and who should enter but the very man we were talking of.
①  A.门开了,谁想到进来的正是我们刚才谈论的人。
②  B.门开了,除了那个我们正在谈论的人,谁应该进来?
③  C.门开了,谁还能进来,不就是那个我们刚才还在谈论的人嘛。
④  D.门开了,果然是我们刚才谈论的人进来了。
【单选题】 The 1,400 fans were on their best ( ) and filed out peacefully at the end.
①  deed
②  behavior
③  act
④  performance
【单选题】 已知某企业生产某产品的平均变动成本为10元,平均总成本为12元,产品的价格为8元,那么单位贡献利润是( )。
①  2
②  -2
③  4
④  -4
【单选题】 大路朝天,各走一边,这既不会增加路的成本,也不会使任何一个人感到不便。这说明了公共物品的( )。
①  竞争性
②  非竞争性
③  排他性
④  非排他性
【单选题】 假定某企业全部成本函数为TC=30000+5Q-Q2,Q为产出数量。那么TFC为( )。
①  30000
②  5Q-Q2
③  5-Q
④  30000/Q
【单选题】 如果一个企业有两个生产相同产品的工厂,一个规模大,一个规模小,企业安排生产的原则是( )。
①  先安排规模大的工厂生产,后安排规模小的工厂生产
②  先安排规模小的工厂生产,后安排规模大的工厂生产
③  主要安排在规模大的工厂生产,少部分安排在规模小的工厂生产
④  根据每增加一个单位的产出,哪个工厂的边际成本低,就安排哪个工厂生产
【单选题】 证券公司和金融机构对新进的人员要进行大量的基本技能训练,但训练之后,总有一部分人跳槽,为竞争对手所用,这说明( )。
①  存在有益的外部性
②  不存在有益的外部性
③  存在有害的外部性
④  不存在有害的外部性
【单选题】 养蜂场的收益来自采集蜂蜜,蜂蜜在采集的过程中,为农作物传授了花粉,提高了农产量,这体现了( )。
①  排他性
②  竞争性
③  有害的外部性
④  有益的外部性
【单选题】 企业最佳规模的选择的标准是( )。
①  根据市场的需求量选择能达到较低的单位成本的规模
②  选择能达到最低单位成本的规模
③  选择能达到最大产出的规模
④  根据市场的需求量选择能达到最低边际成本的规模
【单选题】 若企业生产处于规模经济递增阶段,长期平均成本曲线切于短期平均成本曲线的( )。
①  右端
②  左端
③  最低点
④  无法确定
【单选题】 边际成本与平均成本的关系是( )。
①  边际成本大于平均成本,边际成本下降
②  边际成本小于平均成本,边际成本下降
③  边际成本大于平均成本,平均成本上升
④  边际成本小于平均成本,平均成本上升
【单选题】 假定某企业全部成本函数为TC=30000+5Q-Q2,Q为产出数量。那么TVC为( )。
①  30000
②  5Q-Q2
③  5-Q
④  30000/Q