36._____ their real economic situations, they got some relief fund from the government.
【单选题】 The Government will ___________ its control over economic growth.
①  make
②  do
③  tighten
④  need
【单选题】 it has been revealed that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to getillegal profits for themselves.
①  employ
②  take
③  abuse
④  overlook
【单选题】 It was 12 o’clock _______we got home from the party yesterday.
①  when
②  what
③  which
【单选题】 Some famous singers live on the ____ from their record sales.
①  salary
②  price
③  bill
④  income
【单选题】 Some famous singers live on the _______from their record sales.
①  :salary
②  :price
③  :bill
④  :income
【单选题】 People ____ to the speech in different ways: some got angry while others nodded in agreement.
①  responded
②  acted
③  answered
④  replied
【单选题】 Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations ________ appear in the working world.
①  where
②  when
③  that
④  what
【单选题】 The treasury issued an order stating that ____ land purchased from the government had to be paid for in gold and silver.
①  henceforth
②  moreover
③  whereby
④  however
【单选题】 9. Some of the wheat came from Canada. How about _______?
①  another
②  the others
③  the other
④  the rest
【单选题】 I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ____ me.
①  revived
②  released
③  relieved
④  recovered
【单选题】 古代胎教要求孕妇要禁食有毒食物,以下不属于有毒食物的是()。
①  螃蟹
②  生姜
③  牛肉
④  兔肉
【单选题】 颜之推是()时期著名的教育家。
①  南北朝
②  两晋
③  唐朝
④  明清
【单选题】 古代东方()人重视学前教育,希望它能承担民族救亡和传统继承的任务。
①  印度
②  巴比伦
③  希伯来
④  埃及
【判断题】 在史前社会,对幼儿的教育或者幼儿的学习,主要是通过参加实际活动,在社会生活和生产劳动过程中进行的,因此,观察和模仿是幼儿学习的重要方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国是世界上最早提出并实施胎教的国家。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 王守仁不重视儿童发展的个别差异性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 亚里士多德提出应对人进行三类教育,即体育、德育和智育。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 古希腊各城邦中雅典和斯巴达的教育最具代表性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “三公”是“三少”的副职。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 古代胎教提倡的“小劳法”是不科学的。
①  正确
②  错误