27. For quite _____ students,their teachers advice is more important than _____ of their parents.
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than ____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than________.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 8.To answer correctly is more important than____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 I think [填空] maths is more important than any other subject.
①  the
②  a
③  an
④  /
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 27. A lot of Japanese students of English have difficult ________ the pronunciation of “b”s and “v”s.
①  to
②  in
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Some handicapped people may be ______ to go out at all and a visitor is more than welcome.
①  able
②  unable
③  disable
④  disabled
【单选题】 A university ____ of teachers, administrators and students.
①  consists
②  composes
③  includes
④  contains
【单选题】 Not onlythe students______________ the teachers are volunteers.
①  but for
②  but also
③  however
④  but to
【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 男50岁,大量饮酒后突发左上腹痛,疼痛呈持续性伴阵发性加重,向左腰背部放射,伴恶心呕吐
①  急性阑尾炎
②  急性胆囊炎
③  急性胰腺炎
④  急性胃炎
⑤  胃癌
【单选题】 反复发作的上腹部饭后疼痛,服碱性药物可缓解,提示
①  胃溃疡
②  十二指肠溃疡
③  食道炎
④  胰腺炎
⑤  胆囊炎
【单选题】 女58岁,近1月来经常腹痛腹泻,粪便呈果酱样伴腥臭味,右下腹压痛明显,最可能的诊断是
①  细菌性痢疾
②  胰腺炎
③  阑尾炎
④  食物中毒
⑤  阿米巴痢疾
【单选题】 突发剑突下钻顶样腹痛最可能的诊断是
①  肠蛔虫症
②  胆石症
③  急性病毒性肝炎
④  胆道蛔虫症
⑤  胆囊炎?
【单选题】 男19岁,突发脐周疼痛,呈进行性加重并逐渐转至右下腹,伴恶心呕吐,右下腹局部压痛。最可能是
①  急性阑尾炎
②  急性胆囊炎
③  .急性胃穿孔
④  .胆道蛔虫症
⑤  胆结石
【单选题】 均称体型正常人肝叩诊相对浊音界,哪项是错误的搜索复制
①  右锁骨中线第5肋间
②  右锁骨中线上下径约为9-11cm
③  右腋中线第8肋间
④  右肩胛线第10肋骨水平
⑤  肝绝对浊音界比相对浊音界低1-2肋间
【单选题】 下列哪项不符合急性心包炎有心包积液的表现搜索复制
①  心音低沉
②  心界普遍扩大
③  肝肿大
④  心尖搏动明显
⑤  呼吸困难
【单选题】 了解下肢和足的血循环,最重要的检查是搜索复制
①  足趾能主动活动
②  足是否肿胀或发凉
③  足趾被动活动是否疼痛
④  足背动脉触诊
⑤  足的感觉是否正常
【单选题】 女65岁,近3年来常于餐后平躺时出现胸骨后烧灼样疼痛,口服吗叮啉有效,最可能是
①  心绞痛
②  胸膜炎
③  胃溃疡
④  十二指肠溃疡
⑤  反流性食管炎
【单选题】 女性病人停经后突发剧烈腹痛应首先想到
①  急性肾盂肾炎
②  肝破裂
③  脾破裂
④  异位妊娠破裂
⑤  急性膀胱炎