21. — When will you leave for Paris for a visit? — next month.
【单选题】 21.—I went to visit Xi`an City Wall yesterday afternoon. ---Oh, did you ? _______.
①  SodidI
②  SoIdid
③  NeitherdidI
④  NordidI
【单选题】 21. Thinking that you know ____ in fact you don’t is a disastrous mistake.
①  what
②  that
③  when
④  however
【单选题】 21. Study hard, _____ you will pass the exam.
①  and
②  or
③  yet
④  but
【单选题】 A: When does the next train for London leave? B: Theres one leaving at 8 oclock. A: [填空]
①  Are you sure?
②  OK. I dont want to be late.
③  Thanks. Could you wait for me?
④  Id like one ticket, please.
【单选题】 They can’t leave until they _________ their work .
①  did
②  are doing
③  have done
④  his done
【单选题】 They can’t leave until they _______ their work .
①  did
②  are doing
③  have done
④  his done
【单选题】 ---When do you wish to visit Canada?---- _____________I am settled, I’ll go there.
①  As
②  Since
③  Once
④  While
【单选题】 They can’t leave until they ___ their work.
①  did
②  are doing
③  have done
④  has done
【单选题】 21. Am I _____ your way? I can move over a bit and make room for you...
①  under
②  in
③  beyond
④  on
【单选题】 By the end of next month we ____ this assignment.
①  will finish
②  will be finishing
③  will have finished
④  have finished
【单选题】 支气管扩张最有意义的体征是()
①  局限性哮鸣音
②  局限性湿罗音
③  贫血貌
④  消瘦
⑤  杵状指
【单选题】 下列支气管疾病中,最常并发咯血的是()
①  良性支气管瘤
②  支气管内异物
③  支气管扩张
④  慢性支气管炎
⑤  支气管哮喘
【单选题】 支气管扩张最常见的原因是()
①  肺结核
②  肿瘤压迫
③  肺囊性纤维化
④  严重的支气管肺感染和支气管阻塞
⑤  支气管内结石
【单选题】 肺炎球菌肺炎的抗生素治疗停药指标是()
①  热退停药
②  热退3天
③  热退5~7天
④  症状体征消失
⑤  胸片病变消散
【单选题】 引起肺炎的病原体主要是()
①  细菌
②  病毒
③  支原体
④  真菌
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 院外感染所致肺炎中,主要病原体是()
①  肺炎克雷白杆菌
②  流感嗜血杆菌
③  金黄色葡萄球菌
④  肺炎球菌
⑤  支原体
【单选题】 下列哪项是肺炎球菌肺炎有特殊意义的症状()
①  突然寒战、稽留热
②  咳嗽、胸痛
③  气急发绀
④  咳铁锈色痰
⑤  恶心、呕吐、腹胀
【单选题】 下列哪种肺炎球菌肺炎的诊断最有价值()
①  高热、咳铁锈色痰
②  白细胞升高,核左移,胞浆有中毒颗粒
③  胸片大片致密影呈肺叶或肺段分布
④  肺部湿性啰音
⑤  痰培养肺炎球菌阳性
【单选题】 肺炎支原体肺炎的突出症状是()
①  发热
②  咳嗽
③  气短
④  恶心
⑤  休克
【单选题】 肺炎合并感染性休克最常见的致病微生物是()
①  肺炎球菌
②  克雷白杆菌
③  支原体
④  病毒
⑤  格兰阴性杆菌