13. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight again SARS, so we only had time for a few words.
【单选题】 13. He _____ a doctor when his mother was ill.
①  sent for
②  invited
③  sent in
④  . sent away
【单选题】 Only when we landed______ how badly the plane had been damaged.
①  we realized
②  did we realize
③  had we realized
④  we had realized
【单选题】 13. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was always ____; as an adult, though, my room is always neat..
①  tidy
②  orderly
③  mess
④  untidy
【单选题】 13. Tom failed in the exam again ______ he wanted to pass it very much.
①  if
②  so
③  though
④  as
【单选题】 If I had had enough time, I __________ it well.
①  would do
②  would have done
【单选题】 13. The supervisor appreciates ______ so hard in the office.
①  for your working
②  your working
③  you to work
④  for you to work
【判断题】 阅读课文II. My first days in Beijing, 判断下列句子表述内容的正误:The writer (作者) only told us that she had lost her way again and again in the article.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 23.____time we had at the dinner party !
①  Howwonderful
②  Whatawonderfultime
③  Howawonderfultime
④  Whatwonderfultime
【单选题】 The last time we had great fun was [] we were visiting the Water Park.
①  where
②  how
③  when
④  why
【单选题】 13. Where is my pen? I ______ it.
①  might lose
②  would have lost
③  should have lost
④  must have lost
【单选题】 干燥综合征好发人群为
①  中年男性
②  青年男性
③  中年女性
④  青年女性
【单选题】 干燥综合征肾脏受累不会出现的症状是
①  低血钙
②  高尿钙
③  低血钾
④  高血磷
【单选题】 单纯干燥综合征患者()升高为主
①  IgM
②  IgG
③  IgE
④  MIgE
【单选题】 SS不会出现下列哪个检查阳性
①  gp210
②  抗SSA
③  抗SSB
④  RF
【单选题】 抗SSA、抗SSB抗体常见于:
①  药物性狼疮
②  干燥综合征
③  强制性脊柱炎
④  多发性肌炎
【单选题】 PSS最易受累的外分泌腺是:
①  胰腺
②  杯状细胞
③  涎腺
④  皮脂腺
【单选题】 原发性干燥综合征可累及外分泌腺以外的器官,常见临床表现不包括:
①  皮肤紫癜样皮疹
②  肾小管酸中毒
③  肝功能异常
④  心肌病变
【单选题】 ()涎腺超声评分纳入原发性干燥综合征的评分标准。
①  2013年
②  2014年
③  2015年
④  2016年
【单选题】 人体最大的一对唾液腺是:
①  颌下腺
②  腮腺
③  小涎腺
④  舌下腺
【单选题】 干燥综合征的中医命名为()
①  燥毒
②  燥盛
③  燥痹
④  血痹
⑤  干痹