——Are you content with her lecture? ——Nowhere near that. It ____.
【单选题】 —Where is John? I couldn’t find him.— .
①  He is very busy
②  I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room
③  I couldn’t agree more
④  He is good.
【单选题】 ____ by this, he couldn’t say anything.
①  Satisfied
②  Feared
③  Frightened
④  Encouraged
【单选题】 A: I rang you several times yesterday but couldn’t get through. B: [填空]. I was busy.
①  Sorry about that
②  Sounds fine
③  I appreciate that
④  Thats all right
【单选题】 _____ that we couldn’ t catch up with him.
①  So fast he ran
②  So fast did he run
③  So fast ran he
④  Such fast did he run
【单选题】 5. Without your help, I couldn’t ______ the details ______.
①  work…at
②  work…out
③  work…on
④  work…up
【单选题】 There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn’t make himself _______.
①  heard
②  hearing
③  to hear
④  hear
【单选题】 They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation.
①  overhear
②  to overhear
③  overhearing
④  overheard
【单选题】 Try ___ he might, he couldn’t get out of difficulty.
①  when
②  where
③  till
④  as
【单选题】 That young boy couldn’t move because he _______ his leg.
①  breaks
②  broke
③  had broken
【单选题】 2.I couldn’t understand why he pretended ______ in the bookstore.
①  to see me not
②  not to see me
③  not see me
④  to see not me
【简答题】 衣纹绘制应该有所( )。[填空(1)]
【简答题】 面对纷繁多变的衣纹,要学会( ),( )。[填空(1)][填空(2)]
【简答题】 眉毛分为( )和( )、眉峰、眉尾。[填空(1)][填空(2)]
【简答题】 男性平头的绘画线条以( )为主。[填空(1)]
【单选题】 在显微镜下观察真菌时,以下哪种物质用于处理皮屑标本
①  氯化钾
②  氢氧化钾
③  氢氧化钠
④  甘油
⑤  生理盐水
【单选题】 新型隐球菌常见以下哪种染色方法
①  革兰染色
②  乳酸酚棉兰染色
③  墨汁染色
④  糖原染色
⑤  荧光染色
【单选题】 英国的生物学家弗莱明是世界上第一个发现抗生素的人,第一种抗上素是从()微生物中提炼出来的。
①  黄曲霉菌
②  青霉菌
③  酵母菌
④  乳酸菌
【单选题】 深部感染的真菌最适生长温度是
①  25℃
②  28℃
③  30℃
④  33℃
⑤  37℃
【单选题】 一般浅部真菌生长的最适生长温度是
①  20~25℃
②  22~28℃
③  24~30℃
④  26~32℃
⑤  28~34℃
【单选题】 多细胞真菌的菌落类型是
①  酵母型
②  类酵母型
③  丝状型
④  类丝状型
⑤  混合型