【判断题】 一般来说数据的重构比代码的重构更加复杂
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下面哪些属于重构的形式( )
①  A.精细加工
②  B.重新编码
③  C.约束放松
④  D.背景转换
【单选题】 为便于系统重构,模块划分应()
①  大些
②  适当
③  尽量大
④  尽量小
【多选题】 工业互联网的架构需要重构,要求( )
①  更高效
②  更加安全
③  更加便捷
④  小容量
⑤  低时延
【单选题】 瓦屋面的承重构件主要有( )
①  屋架,檩条
②  挂瓦条,椽子
③  屋架,椽子
④  檩条,椽子
【单选题】 吊顶的吊筋是连接什么的承重构件?
①  搁栅和屋面板或楼板等
②  主搁栅与次搁栅
③  搁栅与面层
④  面层与面层
【单选题】 ACEI抑制心肌重构的作用与下述作用有关的是( )
①  减少血管紧张素Ⅱ的生成
②  减少醛固酮的分泌
③  减少儿茶酚胺的释放
④  降低缓激肽的降解
⑤  以上均有关
【单选题】 互联网重构了社会结构,使()成为新视角。
①  年龄代沟
②  数字鸿沟
③  技术鸿沟
④  代际分析
【单选题】 楼板层是建筑物中分隔上下空间的水平承重构件。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 隔断是分隔室内空间的非承重构件,一般不到顶。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 13.The monument(里程碑) was built in honor of the explorer who was believed ____the river.
①  to have discovered
②  to have been discovered
③  to discover
④  having been discovered
【单选题】 2. — Have you considered _____ your job as a teacher? —Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered _____ a gardener.
①  to change; to be
②  to change; being
③  changing; being
④  changing; to be
【单选题】 8.To answer correctly is more important than____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 3. The dog, ____, will be made a good watchdog.
①  to train properly
②  being trained properly
③  properly to train
④  trained properly
【单选题】 1.When hewas a boy, he used to go there and watch____.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 11.It was getting dark. I found a car____in a pool by the side of the road.
①  to be stuck
②  stuck
③  sticking
④  stick
【单选题】 11.Mrs. Black has got ____ instead of getting any better.
①  more bad
②  a little worse
③  much badly
④  a lot of worse
【单选题】 2. When we speak to people, we should be ___.
①  as polite as possible
②  as polite as possibly
③  as politely as possible
④  as politely as possibly
【单选题】 7. This pencil is ____than that one.
①  longest
②  long
③  longer
④  as long
【单选题】 16. The jacket was so ____ that he decided to buy it.
①  much
②  little
③  expensive
④  cheap