利用三角板配合丁字尺,无法完成下列何种角度?( )。
【判断题】 丁字尺与三角板随意配合,便可画出65度的倾斜线。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 建筑工程设计常用的工具是( )、三角板、圆规、鸭嘴笔、比例尺等。
①  三角板
②  图板
【判断题】 在图样上测量尺寸可以用三角板测量
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 用图板和丁字尺画图时,水平线和竖直线都可以用丁字尺绘制
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 画正等轴测图的X、Y轴时,为了保证轴间角,一般用( )三角板绘制。
①  30○
②  45○
③  90○
【单选题】 颈前三角和颈后三角划分的标志是()
①  肩胛舌骨肌
②  颈血管鞘
③  副神经
④  前斜角肌
⑤  胸锁乳突肌
【多选题】 下列属于舞弊三角理论的有(  )。
①  借口
②  压力
③  机会
④  意愿
【单选题】 下颌下三角位于()
①  二腹肌前、后腹与下颌体下缘之间
②  二腹肌前腹与舌骨体之间
③  二腹肌前、后腹与甲状软骨上缘之间
④  二腹肌后腹与舌骨体之间
⑤  上颌骨与二腹肌前、后腹之间
【单选题】 用于搁置三角形断面踏步板的梯段斜梁常用的断面形式是()。
①  锯齿形
②  L形
③  槽形
④  矩形
【单选题】 面部危险三角区位于
①  鼻根与两侧口角之间
②  鼻根与两侧鼻翼之间
③  鼻尖与两侧口角之间
④  鼻尖与两侧内眦之间
⑤  鼻尖与两侧外眦之间
【单选题】 —Youshouldhavethankedherbeforesheleft.—Imeant_______,butwhenIwasleavingIcouldntfindheranywhere.
①  to do
②  to
③  doing
④  doing so
【单选题】 Im looking forward as much to her return as she herself to ______ me.
①  have seen
②  seeing
③  meet
④  be met
【单选题】 Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
①  like directed
②  to be directed
③  as directed
④  so that directed
【单选题】 —Are you a teacher?—No, but I ________. I worked in a middle school for three years.
①  am
②  will
③  do
④  was
【单选题】 IfyougotoXian,youllfindtheplacestheremoremagnificentthancommonly______.
①  supposing
②  supposed
③  to suppose
④  suppose
【单选题】 ______forthefreeticket,Iwouldnothavegonetothefilmssooften.
①  If it is not
②  Were it not
③  Had it not been
④  If there were to
【单选题】 Who can you turn to in time of danger, if not _______ ?
①  ourselves
②  ours
③  we
④  us
【单选题】 — Did you visit the museum last week?—No, we________, but we spent too much time shopping.
①  could have
②  could
③  must have
④  must
【单选题】 —How many poor counties will there be in our province by 2010?—There will be only a few, if _______.
①  much
②  some
③  any
④  many
【单选题】 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce______nothingcanbedonetochangeit.
①  begins
②  having begun
③  beginning
④  begun