【单选题】 薪酬的主要功能是()、激励功能和调节功能
①  交易功能
②  补偿功能
③  普惠功能
④  控制功能
【单选题】 引发功能 @@辅助功能@@激励功能@@指向功能
①  利-害冲突
②  害-害冲突
③  没有冲突
④  利-利冲突
【多选题】 幼儿语言游戏的功能有( )。
①  为幼儿良好的情感与性格奠定基础
②  能够提高幼儿的交往能力与意识
③  促进幼儿倾听能力的提高
④  促进幼儿积极主动地获取语言经验
【多选题】 幼儿语言游戏的功能有( )。
①  为幼儿良好的情感与性格奠定基础
②  能够提高幼儿的交往能力与意识
③  促进幼儿倾听能力的提高
④  促进幼儿积极主动地获取语言经验
【多选题】 想象的功能有( )
①  满足主体自身需要的功能
②  对事物的认识功能
③  幻想功能
【单选题】 道德功能系统中,()、()、()是最基本的功能。①认识功能②规范功能③激励功能④调节功能
①  ①②④
②  ①②③
③  ①③④
④  ②③④
【多选题】 票据的功能有:
①  支付功能
②  信用功能
③  结算功能
④  融资功能
【多选题】 态度的功能有()
①  适应功能
②  价值表达功能
③  知识功能
④  自我防御功能
【判断题】 教学过程的功能有教学功能、发展功能和教育功能。(?? )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 教育目的的功能有
①  定向功能
②  调控功能
③  激励功能
④  评价功能
【单选题】 “-ful” in the word “careful” is _______.
①  a free morpheme
②  a grammatical morpheme
③  an inflectional morpheme
④  a derivational morpheme
【单选题】 Testing oneself to evaluate one’s learning is an example of _______ strategies.
①  determination
②  social
③  cognitive
④  metacognitive
【单选题】 Words that are oppositein meaning are called _______.
①  homonyms
②  polysemy
③  antonyms
④  synonyms
【单选题】 ________ strategy, traditionally known as mnemonics, involves relating the word to some previously learned knowledge by using some form of imagery or grouping.
①  Determination
②  Memory
③  Metacognitive
④  Cognitive
【单选题】 Which of the following methods is not one of the most popular ways of creating English new words?
①  derivation
②  imagination
③  conversion
④  compounding
【单选题】 The Norman Conquest greatly impacted the Anglican style of life and the language. As a result,thousands of Old English words were replaced by _______words.
①  Latin
②  Italian
③  Greek
④  French
【单选题】 _______ is a figurative technique by which non-living objects such as things and ideas are endowed with the traits, feelings, actions, characteristics, and even languages of human beings.
①  Personification
②  Dehumanization
③  Onomatopoeia
④  Hyperbole
【单选题】 “cold” and “hot” are_______.
①  gradable antonyms
②  binary antonyms
③  converseantonyms
④  similar antonyms
【单选题】 In a/an _______, words are grouped according to meaning. For example, all words that are related to the emotions.
①  thesaurus
②  dictionary
③  grammar book
④  article on morphology
【单选题】 Adverb collocations can tell us the following aspects EXCEPT________.
①  what something is about
②  how something is done
③  where something is done
④  when something is done