【判断题】 贷款种类繁多,为简化程序有的贷款不需要贷款人与借款人签订借款合同。
【多选题】 根据《合同法》规定,借款人未按照借款合同约定的借款用途使用借款的,贷款人可以采取的法津措施有( )。
①  解除合同
②  停止发放借款
③  提前收回借款
④  加收罚息
【单选题】 银团贷款按贷款人与借款人的关系可分为直接银团贷款和( )
①  间接银团贷款
②  定期贷款
③  循环贷款
④  备用信用证担保贷款
【多选题】 国际贷款协议中的借款人的违约,包括( )
①  借款人到期没有偿付借款
②  借款人对其他债权人的违约,视为对贷款人的违约
③  在偿还贷款期限到来之前,借款人丧失清偿能力
④  借款人的陈述与保证失实
【判断题】 个人住房按揭贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的用于购买商业用房的贷款。(  )
【判断题】 借款人的信用程度越差,贷款利率越高。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某人借款1000元,如果年利率10%,两年到期后归还(期数为2),按复利计算,到期时借款人应支付的利息为( )。
①  2210元
②  1000元
③  1210元
④  210元
【单选题】 在个人住房贷款中,贷款人发放个人住房贷款时,借款人必须
①  交纳保证金
②  交纳定金
③  提供担保
④  交纳诚意金
【判断题】 出质人和贷款人可以在质押合同中约定,当借款人没有依约履行合同的,贷款人可以直接将存单兑现以实现质权
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 贷款呆账系指按借款人的清偿能力或法律规定,确认无法收回的贷款。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The engineers are going through with their highway project, ____the expenses have risen.
①  even though
②  just because
③  now that
④  as though
【单选题】 A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
①  avoid
②  reject
③  refuse
④  neglect
【单选题】 The students were not____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.?
①  permitted ?
②  remitted ?
③  admitted ?
④  emitted?
【单选题】 It was a minor illness, and she soon ____ it. ?
①  got over ?
②  got on with ?
③  got around ?
④  got out ?
【单选题】 Our English teacher demanded that we ____ to English broadcast every day.
①  listening
②  would listen
③  listen
④  could listen
【单选题】 He ____ have left the campus, for I saw in the classroom just a minute ago
①  mustn’t
②  shouldn’t
③  couldn’t
④  oughtn’t
【单选题】 The manager will visit your parents ____ person. ?
①  in ?
②  by ?
③  of ?
④  for?
【单选题】 There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know ____.
①  where to choose
②  which to choose
③  to choose what
④  to choose which
【单选题】 If we hadn’t got a lift, we ____ the top flat so soon.
①  would not reach
②  can not reach
③  could not have reached
④  will not reach
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led