【单选题】 生理无效腔和解剖无效腔之差为
①  残气量
②  功能残气量
③  补吸气量
④  功能无效腔气量
⑤  肺泡无效腔气量
【单选题】 生理无效腔和解剖无效腔之差为
①  残气量
②  功能残气量
③  补吸气量
④  功能无效腔气量
⑤  肺泡无效腔气量
【单选题】 胸膜腔
①  密闭,与外界不相通
②  与胸腔相通
③  是胸膜与胸壁之间的腔隙
④  与腹膜腔相通
【判断题】 生理无效腔通常指的是肺泡无效腔
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 三腔共鸣指( A )共鸣。
①  口腔、胸腔、鼻腔
②  口腔、胸腔、头腔
③  口腔、腹腔、鼻腔
④  腹腔、鼻腔、头腔
【单选题】 共鸣腔里最主要的是( )。
①  口腔
②  鼻腔
③  咽腔
④  腹腔
【单选题】 关于腹膜腔,说法错误的是()
①  男性是封闭的
②  女性可借输卵管、子宫、阴道等与外界相通
③  腔内含有少量浆液
④  腔内含有胃、肠等器官
⑤  腔内不含有任何器官
【判断题】 小儿喉腔炎症时,易发生水肿的部位时喉中间腔().
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 胸膜腔呈负压()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 有关喉腔的正确叙述是().
①  A.向上借喉口与口咽相通
②  B.向下与气管相续
③  C.被前庭壁分为上、下两部分
④  D.前庭壁是喉腔中最狭窄部位
【单选题】 Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money ( ).
①  in return
②  out of curiosity
③  for charity
④  on duty
【单选题】 I found the article while I was ( ) some old magazines.
①  browsing through
②  looking into
③  staring at
④  watching out
【单选题】 She travelled the world in ( ) of her dreams.
①  terms
②  preference
③  spite
④  pursuit
【单选题】 ( ) he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.
①  What
②  How
③  That
④  If
【单选题】 Im very much afraid that your wife may be ( ) in the crime.
①  involvement
②  involved
③  involve
④  involves
【单选题】 They looked at the ( ) of the dancing waves in the sunlight.
①  sparkly
②  sparkle
③  sparker
④  sparking
【单选题】 People walk around ( ) nineteenth-century clothes.
①  wearing
②  wore
③  wear
④  worn
【单选题】 The ( ) of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.
①  merit
②  advantage
③  virtue
④  downside
【单选题】 I agree with you to a certain ( ).
①  amount
②  degree
③  point
④  grade
【单选题】 A set of ( ) of the product is included in the package for you to try first.
①  sampler
②  example
③  sample
④  sampling