【单选题】 成化时期获明宪宗宠信的江西术士是()
①  李孜省
②  李自然
③  李日芳
④  邵元节
【单选题】 明世宗时期得“风水状元”的江西风水师是()
①  廖均卿
②  廖文政
③  曾邦旻
④  曾鹤宾
【判断题】 李梦阳、何景明同属前七子,基本主张相同,时人并称“李何”。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《李寄斩蛇》中的李寄是( ) 朝的人。
【简答题】 “温李”之“温”是温庭筠,“李”是[填空]。
【判断题】 78.《李凭箜篌引》的作者是李贺。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 《李寄斩蛇》中的“李寄”是男是女?
【单选题】 刘某(男)因与李某(女)恋爱失败,遂决定报复李某。一日刘某找到李某,对李某说:最后还有几句话要讲。李某就跟着刘某到了一条僻静的小河边。刘某从口袋里拿出一只木质小盒交给李某,对李某说这是以前李某送的东西,现在还给李某。并说,等他走了以后再打开盒子。等刘某离开以后,李某打开木盒,结果引爆了一枚炸药,李某被炸死。刘某的行为属于?
①  爆炸罪
②  危险物品肇事罪
③  故意杀人罪
④  报复陷害罪
【单选题】 李某16周岁,接受了叔叔100万元遗赠,靠此丰衣足食。李某( )。
①  A. 为完全民事行为能力人
②  B. 视为完全民事行为能力人
③  C. 为限制民事行为能力人
④  D. 为无民事行为能力人
【多选题】 李某购买中巴车从事个体客运,但未办理税务登记,且一直未缴纳税款。某县国税局要求李某限期缴纳税款1500元并决定罚款1000元。后因李某逾期未缴纳税款和罚款,该国税局将李某的中巴车扣押,李某不服。下列哪些说法是不正确的?( )
①  对缴纳税款和罚款决定,李某应当先申请复议,再提起诉讼
②  李某对上述三行为不服申请复议,应向某县国税局的上一级国税局申请
③  对扣押行为不服,李某可以直接向法院提起诉讼
④  该国税局扣押李某中巴车的措施,可以交由县交通局采取
【单选题】 Were it not for the rainny weather, they______ all right.
①  would be
②  may be
③  would have been
④  were
【单选题】 OK, 1000 Yuan for one rug. That’s the ______!
①  dear
②  deal
③  trade
④  trading
【单选题】 Keeping eye contact ______ respect for the interviewer and your confidence.
①  says
②  pays
③  throws
④  shows
【单选题】 Seeing the enemy, the hero was behaving as though nothing______.
①  was happening
②  would happen
③  had happened
④  happened
【单选题】 __Why didn’t John call me ? __Oh, his cell-phone ran out of power, otherwise he______ you.
①  had called
②  would have called
③  called
④  would call
【单选题】 I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I______ the book from which it was made.
①  have read
②  had read
③  should have read
④  are reading
【单选题】 Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copper_______itclosely.
①  followed
②  following
③  to follow
④  being followed
【单选题】 But for the party, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 _____withthesizeofthewholeearth,thehighestmountaindoesnotseemhighatall.
①  When compared
②  Compare
③  While comparing
④  Comparing
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time