【单选题】 下列选项中哪项不属于七大方言区之一?
①  北方方言
②  南方方言
③  吴方言
④  湘方言
【判断题】 汉语的七大方言是指:北方方言、皖方言、湘方言、赣方言、闽方言、粤方言和客家方言。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 现代汉语的基础方言是( )。
①  北方话
②  官话
③  北京话
④  华北方言
【单选题】 现代汉语以什么为基础方言?
①  北方方言
②  吴方言
③  东北方言
④  中原方言
【单选题】 广东梅县话属于哪种方言区?
①  粤方言
②  闽方言
③  客方言
④  吴方言
【判断题】 《方言》是一部汉语方言比较词汇著作。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 客家方言的代表方言是。
①  香港话
②  澳门话
③  广东梅县话
④  广西阳朔话
【多选题】 汉语方言的差别可以表现在( )
①  音位系统不同
②  声调数量不同
③  同样的事物在不同的方言里的称呼不同
④  名词和量词的结合特点不同
⑤  语序不同
【单选题】 现代汉民族共同语是以什么为基础方言
①  吴方言
②  粤方言
③  北方话
④  客家方言
【判断题】 粤曲是粤语方言地区流行最广的一大曲种
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 16. _____ money, they are rich.
①  In terms of
②  About
③  Because of
④  By way of
【单选题】 30. Mary is ______ hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.
①  no less
②  no more
③  not less
④  not so
【单选题】 20._____your poor record at school, we think you should study more.
①  In view of
②  For view of
③  From view of
④  Within view of
【单选题】 25.If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he ______ able to advise you much better than I can.
①  will be
②  was
③  would be
④  were
【单选题】 5. The rescue team set out for the earth-stricken area _______ the constant aftershocks.
①  in spite
②  despite of
③  despite
④  but for
【单选题】 13. His evasive answer is ______to lying.
①  same
②  related
③  equivalent
④  different
【单选题】 12. If you _______materials from other books in your paper, you should mark them out.
①  cite
②  learn
③  borrow
④  assure
【单选题】 11.In general she is amiable, but ______she is not her own self.
①  in time
②  on time
③  at times
④  by time
【单选题】 23.___________ danger, he climbed the tower.
①  Regardless of
②  As regards
③  Regarding
④  With regard to
【单选题】 9.The doctor prescribed for me a new medicine that could ______ good sleep.
①  entertain
②  . enable
③  ensure
④  . require