(判断)资产负债表的“年初数”栏内各项数字,一般应根据上年末资产负债表的“期末数”栏内所列数字填列。( )
【判断题】 资产负债表“年初余额”栏内各项目数字,应根据上年末资产负债表“期末余额”栏内所列数字填列。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资产负债表反映事业单位在某一特定日期全部资产、负债和净资产的情况。本表“年初余额”栏内各项数字,应当根据上年年末资产负债表“期末余额”栏内数字填列。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “年初余额”栏内各项目的数字,可根据上年末资产负债表“(  )”栏相应项目的数字填列。
①  期初余额
②  期末余额
③  存货
④  固定资产
【判断题】 资产负债表各项目只需填列“期末数”一栏即可。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 资产负债表“期末余额”栏内各项数字,根据有关科目余额减去其备抵账户余额后净额列示的项目有( )。
①  交易性金融资产
②  长期股权投资
③  货币资金
④  短期借款
【判断题】 资产负债表中的“期末数”填列主要来源于账户的期末余额。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 编制资产负债表时,下列资产负债表项目不是根据期末余额直接填列的是( )。
①  “存货”项目
②  “财政拨款结转”项目
③  “财政拨款结余”项目
④  “固定资产”项目
【多选题】 资产负债表“期末余额”的填列方法有(  )。
①  根据总账科目余额填列
②  根据明细账科目余额计算填列
③  根据总账科目和明细账科目余额分析计算填列
④  根据有关科目余额减去其备抵科目余额后的净额填列
⑤  综合运用上述填列方法分析填列
【多选题】 资产负债表中“期末余额”的填列方法有(  )。 (
①  根据总账科目余额填列
②  根据明细账科目余额计算填列
③  根据总账科目和明细账科目余额分析计算填列
④  根据有关科目余额减去其备抵科目余额后的净额填列
⑤  综合运用上述填列方法分析填列
【多选题】 资产负债表中“未分配利润”项目期末数的取数公式可能涉及?(??)科目。
①  A利润分配
②  本年利润
③  盈余公积
④  投资收益
【单选题】 11. I thought you _____ like something to read, so I have bought you some books.
①  may
②  might
③  could
④  must
【单选题】 3. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ____ ?
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so
【单选题】 9.The old farmer, ____the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farmhouse, calling continuously for help.
①  supporting
②  having supported
③  being supported by
④  being supported
【单选题】 5.____the front door____, he had to enter the room through the back door.
①  Seen, painted
②  Seeing, painted
③  Being seen, being painted
④  Seeing, being painted
【单选题】 16. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate____ from you now and then so that I can know how everyone is getting along.
①  having heard
②  to hear
③  hearing
④  beingheard
【单选题】 7.He looked around and caught a man____his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
①  put
②  to be put
③  to put
④  putting
【单选题】 14.The thief fell to the ground,his left foot ____and blood ____down from his mouth.
①  breaking; running
②  broken; running
③  breaking; run
④  broken; run
【单选题】 18.- Did you get a dictionary?- No, I _____, but there were not any _____.
①  tried; to be left
②  had tried to; leaving
③  tried to; left
④  had tried; have left
【单选题】 4.____the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 12.You can’t imagine what great trouble they have ____the problem____.
①  to solve; being talked about
②  solving; discussing
③  to solve; to talk about
④  solving; being discussed