(判断)运用单式记账法记录经济业务,可以反映每项经济业务的来龙去脉,可以检查每笔业务是否合理、合法。( )
【单选题】 在单式记账法下,对每项经济业务都在( )账户中进行登记。
①  一个
②  两个
③  两个或更多
④  有关
【单选题】 在单式记账法下,对每项经济业务都在( )账户中进行登记。
①  一个
②  两个
③  两个或更多
④  有关
【多选题】 对于经济业务(  ),可采用通用记账凭证来记录所有经济业务。
①  较简单
②  规模较小
③  复杂
④  收付业务较少
【判断题】 采用复式记账法能够全面反映经济业务的内容以及资金运动的来龙去脉。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在复式记账法下,对每项经济业务都要以相等的金额,在( )。
①  一个或一个以上账户中登记
②  两个账户中登记
③  两个或两个以上账户中登记
④  相互关联的两个或两个以上账户中登记
【单选题】 在复式记账法下,对每项经济业务都可以用相等的金额,在( )中进行登记。
①  不同的账户
②  两个账户
③  两个或两个以上
④  一个或一个以上
【单选题】 复式记账法对每项经济业务都以相等的金额在( )账户中进行登记
①  一个账户
②  两个或两个以上账户
③  全部账户
④  两个账户
【多选题】 (多选)运用借贷记账法记账规则登记经济业务时,下列说法正确的有( )
①  应根据经济业务的内容确定所涉及的会计要素
②  确定所涉及的会计要素是增加还是减少
③  确定经济业务所涉及的会计科目
④  确定应将其记入有关账户的借方或贷方及其金额
【多选题】 专用记账凭证按其所反映的经济业务内容不同,通常可以分为(  )。
①  收款凭证
②  付款凭证
③  转账凭证
④  结算凭证
【判断题】 复式记账的会计分录能反映经济业务的来龙去脉,所以会计在填制记账凭证时“摘要”一栏可以不填写。(  )
【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 I think the story is not so ______ as that one.
①  Interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 This box is ______ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as
【单选题】 These children are ______ this year than they were last year.
①  more tall
②  more taller
③  very taller
④  much taller
【单选题】 My mother is no ______ young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 I think science is ______ than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 What ___ if I drink this?
①  happens
②  is happening
③  will happen
④  is happened
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 I haven’t finished my composition. I ___ for two hours and a half.
①  ?have written it
②  ?have been writing it
③  ?wrote it
④  am writing it
【单选题】 Look out! That tree ___ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would