下列关于“骠骑”一词的读音正确的是( )。
biào qí
piào jí
biào jì
piào qí
【单选题】 如标(biāo)中的b,准(zhun)中的zh,是( )
①  A.韵母
②  B.声母
③  C声调
④  D.元音
【单选题】 如标(biāo)中的b,准(zhun)中的zh,是( )
①  韵母
②  声母
③  C声调
④  元音
【单选题】 对于反应;2H2(g)+ O2(g)≒2H2O(l) +Q,理论上最有利于H2O生成的条件是
①  高温高压
②  低温低压
③  低温高压
④  高温低压
【单选题】 相同样本A A A A 观察 O1 O2 O3 O4 时间 ————————→ 属于( )研究。
①  横向研究
②  纵向研究
③  长期研究
④  短期研究
【单选题】 O2O模式的基本商业逻辑是
①  线上平台预先支付,线下消费体验,商家能够实时追踪其营销效果,由此形成闭环的商业服务和体验过程
②  线下支付,线下消费,随时和商家反馈使用情况,由此形成的连环商业服务
③  线上为手机充值,然后收到话费到账通知,由此形成的一站式体验过程
④  网上采购,即政府机构在网上进行产品,服务的招标和采购
【判断题】 I/O管理负责管理和控制I/O操作和I/O设备。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 10.下列不属于O2O性质的网站是
①  优米网
②  糯米网
③  美团网?
④  大众点评
【单选题】 T、P、O、R原则,其中的O指的是( )。
①  地点
②  角色
③  场合
④  时间
【单选题】 O2O营销模式的核心是在线支付。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )O2O平台是布局链条最长的一家企业。
①  阿里系
②  腾讯系
③  百度系
【单选题】 It was essential that her thinking ______ calm and reasoned.
①  remained
②  remain
③  had remained
④  would remain
【单选题】 It ______ to keep calm when confronted with dangers.
①  pays
②  takes
③  costs
④  deserves
【单选题】 The humble bell-boy ______ his tongue reprovingly in front of the princess.
①  flipped
②  chuckled
③  clucked
④  flickered
【单选题】 I am a fisherman ______.
①  by trade
②  for trade
③  on trade
④  of trade
【单选题】 At last this intermezzo _____, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.
①  came to an end
②  came to the end
③  came to end
④  came to ending
【单选题】 I was again crushed by the thought that I stood on the ____ of the first atomic bombardment.
①  spot
②  site
③  place
④  area
【单选题】 Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar ______ everyone.
①  with
②  to
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 If you bear any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will encounter prejudice ______ those who do not.
①  on the side of
②  at the side of
③  on the part of
④  at the part of
【单选题】 As the offender _______ his crime, he was dealt with leniently.
①  had admitted
②  had confessed
③  had recognized
④  had realized
【单选题】 I now stood on the site where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die ____ slow agony.
①  at
②  from
③  of
④  in