礼仪是人与人之间在接触交往中相互表示( )和友好的行为
【单选题】 礼仪是人与人之间在接触交往中相互表示( )和友好的行为。
①  尊重
②  友谊
③  关心
④  爱护
【判断题】 友谊归根到底来源于人与人之间的交往
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在日常交谈中,注意与人交往的原则,即诚恳、尊重、热情、关心。
【单选题】 人与人之间通过一定的方式接触,在心理或行为上产生相互影响的过程是
①  人际关系
②  平等互助
③  公共生活
④  人际交往
【判断题】 个性是人与人之间相互区别的典型的心理特征和行为特征。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人与人之间的沟通交往,最忌讳的是投机取巧,只有真诚,才能相互吸引、相互感动。
【单选题】 人与人之间在相互认识、相互亲疏、相互好恶的基础上产生的心理上的距离是
①  人际交往
②  人际关系
③  人际交流
④  公共生活
【单选题】 人与人之间的交往应该遵循平等、真诚、友爱、互助的原则。下列与人交往的心态中,正确体现了人际交往基本原则的是( )。
①  事不关己、高高挂起
②  诚实待人、宽容大度
③  自以为是、目中无人
④  心胸狭窄、斤斤计较
【判断题】 涉外商务礼仪就是商务工作者在对外经济交往中,用以维护自身形象和国家尊严,并对交往对象表示尊重、友好的各种礼节、仪式及惯用形式,是在长期的国际交往中逐步形成的、是国际间通用的礼仪规范
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ()是指人们在社会交往中对他人有益或对社会有积极影响的行为,比如帮助、分享、合作、安慰、捐赠、同情、关心、谦让、诚实、爱护环境和物品等行为。
①  亲社会行为
②  反社会行为
③  合作行为
④  分享行为
【单选题】 Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
①  appreciated
②  approved
③  appealed
④  applied
【单选题】 Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?____________
①  I hate the weather here.
②  My hair is getting a bit longer.
③  I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.
④  Yeah, thanks for coming.
【单选题】 We are planning an outing. _________ Sure.
①  Where are you going?
②  When will you leave?
③  How is everything?
④  Do you want to join us?
【单选题】 It is dangerous to ______ outdated(过时的) ideas and theories.
①  cling to
②  strive for
③  run through
④  resort to
【单选题】 I had my meals ______ when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.
①  to bring
②  bring
③  brought
④  bringing
【单选题】 Don’t make faces in class.____________
①  Excuse me, I am wrong.
②  Certainly, I will.
③  That’s OK.
④  Sorry, I won’t do it again.
【单选题】 He offered to ___ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.
①  lend
②  help
③  grant
④  loan
【单选题】 Our new house is very ____ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
①  adaptable
②  convenient
③  available
④  comfortable
【单选题】 Have you any oranges and apples?____________
①  The oranges are very cheap.
②  You like apples, dont you?
③  Of course, we have some fruits.
④  Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there.
【单选题】 the old couple decided to ____ a boy and a girl though they had three of their own.
①  adapt
②  bring
③  receive
④  adopt