任何一种审计活动都必须由( )几方关系人组织。
【判断题】 民间审计组织必须接受委托人的委托,按照委托人的要求进行审计,因而民间审计属于任意审计。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 审计报告是审计人员在对审计事项实施后,向审计授权人或委托人提出的反应审计结果、阐明审计意见和建议的书面文件
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 只有由( )三方面关系人构成的关系,才是审计关系。
①  审计人
②  被审计人
③  审计委托人
④  当事人
【单选题】 下列关系中,(  )不属于审计行为的关系人。
①  审计主体(审计人)
②  政府部门
③  审计客体(被审计人)
④  委托或委派人
【单选题】 民间审计组织在接受被审计单位委托的审计项目之前提交给被审计单位的正式文件是
①  审计通知书
②  审计报告
③  审计建议书
④  审计约定书
【多选题】 审计报告是完成对委托人财务报表审计后编制的,一般可以划分为
①  标准审计报告
②  非标准审计报告
③  肯定审计报告
④  否定审计报告
⑤  中立审计报告
【单选题】 社会审计组织在审计审计机关委托的审计事项时,审定其审计结果的组织应是( )。
①  委托该项业务的审计机关
②  中国注册会计师协会
③  被审计单位的上级组织
④  当地人民政府
【多选题】 审计关系人主要包括
①  审计主体
②  审计法规
③  审计客体
④  审计委托者
⑤  审计载体
【单选题】 政府审计机关的审计活动被审计单位必须积极配合,属于
①  高层次监督
②  强制性监督
③  独立性监督
④  权威性监督
【单选题】 ( )是审计主体用来对审计客体进行判断和评价的根据,也就是审计人对被审计事项是非曲直作出判断的准绳。
①  审计主体
②  审计对象
③  审计依据
④  审计证据
【单选题】 George is so ____ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.
①  involved
②  concentrated
③  devoted
④  concerned
【单选题】 Every one was ____that day.
①  in great spirit
②  in all spirit
③  in high a spirit
④  in high spirit
【单选题】 23. The singer and dancer ____ our evening party.
①  is to attend
②  was attend
③  were to attend
④  are attend
【单选题】 The policeman needs to see____ your ID card or your drivers license.
①  every
②  each
③  either
④  both
【单选题】 His____ to carry out the plan was weakened by the difficulties he met with.
①  determination
②  decision
③  choice
④  judgment
【单选题】 The textbook is for the ____ students, not for the beginners.
①  foreign
②  blind
③  advanced
④  deaf
【单选题】 “By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular____ children as Coca-Cola.”
①  in
②  with
③  for
④  to
【单选题】 We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but____ ones were reasonable priced.
①  other
②  others
③  the other
④  another
【单选题】 Nobody is ______, so try not to worry too much about that.
①  full
②  entire
③  perfect
④  complete
【单选题】 Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.
①  I’m so glad you like it.
②  You are not hungry now.
③  I like eating this fruit, too.
④  You should like it.