【单选题】 密集型增长战略不包括()
①  市场渗透
②  差异战略
③  产品开发
④  市场开发
【单选题】 制定企业新业务计划中,发展战略不包括(_)P27
①  密集型增长战略__
②  一体化增长战略
③  多角化增长战略
④  无差异化增长战略
【判断题】 密集型增长战略不是公司选择战略规划的方向之一
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 >矩阵中不适合采取市场渗透、市场开发的战略是[填空]。
【单选题】 密集增长战略有三种形式,在新市场上扩大现有产品销售的战略为( )
①  市场渗透
②  市场开发
③  产品开发
④  多元化经营
【单选题】 密集增长战略有三种形式,在新市场上扩大现有产品销售的战略为()
①  市场渗透
②  市场开发
③  产品开发
④  多元化经营
【单选题】 利用密集性市场机会获得业务增长不包括哪种情况( )
①  产品开发
②  市场营销
③  市场渗透
④  市场开发
【单选题】 市场营销战略、研究与开发战略、生产战略等这样的具体实施战略,属于( )。
①  竞争战略
②  公司战略
③  业务战略
④  职能战略
【单选题】 像市场营销战略、研究与开发战略、生产战略等这样的具体实施战略,属于()。
①  竞争战略
②  公司战略
③  业务战略
④  职能战略
【单选题】 像市场营销战略、研究与开发战略、生产战略等这样的具体实施战略,属于( )。
①  竞争战略
②  公司战略
③  业务战略
④  职能战略
【单选题】 10.Now Mike isn’t here. He _________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______ back in a few minutes.
①  went to; is coming
②  has gone to; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to; has come
【单选题】 6.Look out! That tree _______ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 8.They can’t leave until they ______ their work.
①  did
②  are doing
③  have done
④  has done
【单选题】 1.When I saw Mary, she on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 7. My uncle __________ to see me. He’ll be there soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 14.They ______ lunch at home every day.
①  have not
②  didnt have
③  dont have
④  have not any
【单选题】 6.Sam was ill yesterday, so he _____ his home work.
①  didn’t
②  not did
③  didn’t do
④  didn’t did
【单选题】 11. _____ of us likes the film.
①  Both
②  All
③  Neither
④  Some
【单选题】 15.- _____ is your English teacher like? - He is tall and thin.
①  How
②  What
③  Which
④  /
【单选题】 3.Some of us would like to act the story ____ it isn’t finished yet.
①  but
②  and
③  though
④  so